Down in the forest, there is a tree.
What's left of one, anyway.
The Nemeton calls another supernatural creature to its town.
The blood that drips onto it forms a circle.
"The other option for dismissal is killing the summoner. So, burning the stump or similar."
"That's also not filling me with hope. The Nemeton, if it is as intelligent as this suggests, has that intelligence as a result of centuries-old magic, despite having been turned from a flourishing grove of trees to a single, dead tree stump. I'm not entirely certain it won't persist if we destroy the stump."
"A Nemeton is unlikely to be easy to destroy, anyway, they're very magical. Moreso than the sum of the druids that sanctify them."
"Are there fairies we could summon? Those, we could dismiss if they've wanted to go home, but in the meanwhile they could keep you company."
"This is not the world to which daeva are usually summoned. I do not know whether my own appearance here is a replicable occurrence."
"It might be worth mentioning that, within our own world, Nemetons are known for attracting supernatural phenomena through magic alone, independent of the attention they draw from the curious and power-seeking."
"That puts an interesting twist on it. We should probably test if summoning works in the general case."
"It might be worth investigating. What would you suggest to minimize inconveniencing the summonee?"
"I can draw up most of a circle for an angel acquaintance of mine. I'm sure he'd be thrilled with this place."
"We should find a good location for the circle. What exactly is the preferred way to make a circle?"
"The first thing that you need to know is that a hostile, unbound daeva of any sort is potentially an extinction-level event. And even in the case where a binding may merely be sloppy, you still open yourself to fates worse than death. There was once an angel who enjoyed turning incautious summoners into furniture. If this experiment works, exercise appropriate restraint until you learn proper bindings."
"...We have been taking you at your word so far, so I hope this angel is unlikely to respond to boredom in unpleasant ways."
"He's very sociable. I wouldn't be recommending him if I anticipated his extended presence to result in that sort of unpleasantness."
"I have some friends I wouldn't introduce to strangers, but we trust your judgment."