kyeo and carissa
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"Thank you for answering my questions."


"Of course. I hope we can work something out for you."


Maybe it is time to leave now?


He seems to think so. They head out.


Kyeo has a lot to think about but mostly is not succeeding at thinking about any of it and is instead thinking about Sarham magically teleporting here somehow and hugging him and having excellent explanations for everything, which is stupid.


"We can talk more tomorrow," Isavel says, and then they leave him alone in his rooms.



Kyeo eventually decides to take a nap.


His nap causes him to miss lunch and a tray is brought. Otherwise no one bothers him.


He eats lunch. He goes to dinner, when it's time for dinner.


Today's topic of gossip is Osirion, since there's a cleric here to swap stories with. Osirion really is full of enormous stone pyramids where the ancient pharaohs are buried; the less well-defended ones have been looted but the better-defended ones are still intact; there is still a pharaoh today, the god-king Khemet the Third, an aspect of Abadar; Fazil says it's kind of complicated but Khemet is to Abadar as the human Iomedae is to the god Iomedae, sort of. He was not born like that and got transformed into it when his grandfather died. The pharaoh's palace and most of the important government buildings in Sothis are in the hollowed out carapace of the giant beetle Ulunat, one of the spawn of Rovagug, which some people say the first pharaoh of Osirion fought, seven thousand years ago. It reflects all magic and renders the inside unscryable and impossible to teleport in and out of.


All of that is interesting in a pleasantly abstract sort of way.


After dinner they hang around for a while, telling stories of past adventures.


Kyeo has a routine, of sorts, and keeps to it. Visits Carissa, goes on walks, turns up to swordfighting lessons, mostly avoids Fazil.


Fazil is busy contributing to speculative plans to help in Ibyabek and scrying for contacts in Outer Sohaibek though they're going to be very cautious about actually contacting people, this time, until they're sure they're not missing an important element of the situation. He is also trying to arrange for confidentiality agreements to be signed such that Mahdi can be told about things. The paladins are very understandably paranoid. They also have reservations about this proposed solution to the wizard; so does he, really, but he also has reservations about the backup plan of leaving her chained up underground until they need the handcuffs and killing her then. 


His terse Sending to Mahdi mostly said he should come to Lastwall and maybe meet a girl, long story, very confidential, very important, and even though it's going to be harder to convince the paladins to bring them in too he's somewhat relieved when Mahdi teleports in with Hagan and also Belmarniss.


"Okay what is going on."


"I still can't tell you, I need you to agree to the confidentiality agreement from the paladins and I need to convince them that sometimes chaotic people follow those too - it's good to see you guys -"


"It's nice to see you too. Probably. I will know for sure after I have seen the confidentiality agreement."


"They are not making an excessively big fuss. The fuss is appropriately sized."

He hauls out the confidentiality agreement, which forbids them from discussing with anyone including the gods anything they learn in Lastwall or anything they learn downstream of that, for example by exploring the site where Lastwall found it or talking to people they learned about here, without the whole leadership of Lastwall agreeing in writing, or (should they be unavailable) Iomedae's personal approval, communicated through a manifestation or her herald. They are also forbidden from implying that they have interesting information they can't share, writing it down in an insecure fashion, doing things that are likely as a consequence to draw peoples' attention to it, etcetera, and from being around anyone likely to be reading their minds. And from going to Hell.


"So including the gods but not including specifically Iomedae? I suppose I'd been meaning to getting around to trying to talk to my future conspecifics anyway."


"Iomedae already knows and actually so does Abadar, She arranged something with Him when they wanted to bring me in."


"Fuss is appropriately sized and you don't expect us to regret this awfully or anything?" And she signs at his nod.


"A human landed here three weeks ago from another world. With just humans, and no magic, or nothing they call that but they've got - ships that travel between stars, so they've gone to lots of planets. It was an accident on one of those ships that dropped him on the Worldwound, and they don't really know how."


"Just humans, other sapients? No other creatures at all? Do they have outsiders in their afterlives?"


"They do not think they have afterlives."


"How many humans are we talking about?"

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