Kyeo doesn't remember enough of the fight to know what happened, and his head is killing him, but when he checks he still has his sidearm and also now he's apparently crashlanded on a planet with absolutely awful-looking hostile fauna, wow, and that one's coming his way much too fast and he draws and shoots.
"Well, Fazil doesn't have the arcane background to praise your intellect and I bet he didn't think to talk up how good you are in bed at all."
"A geas, the kind that doesn't stick forever, every week. Or the extremely expensive handcuffs the paladins have her in."
"Bleh," says Belmarniss, shivering a little. "And inconveniently suicide's Evil, you can't just wait till she doesn't ping a Detect and figure she won't be going to Hell..."
"Yes. Probably they should just petrify her, honestly, but - twenty-three. Doesn't really feel like she got a chance. And she's trying to cooperate with figuring out something else. We should at least think about it."
"We got any idea how exactly those planets lack an afterlife? Banish her to one of those..."
"Depends on whether it is possible to summon devils to those worlds. And on - whether she could reinvent Sending, but she probably can't, in a world without magic..."
"She suggested we lock her up somewhere and let her pay her keep in magic items. Which works fine if we can find a wizard who wants to regularly geas and supervise her and front her materials costs, but -"
"But you don't think you can find anyone who'd want to do that without an additional bribe?"
" - I think that handing her off to someone as a prisoner will turn out worse than handing her off to someone as a wife. And I don't think I can find someone who's going to want to relocate to Lastwall or burn two Teleports a week on it."
"Not really. There are ones for men with abilities that require high security but - they don't prevent suicide."
"You'd think it'd be worth the money to somebody, to park her somewhere making magic items and have a non-wizard guardian who hires out the casting."
"I am sure it'd be worth the money to somebody. I am very concerned it's worth the most money to someone willing to mistreat her."
"Not totally persuaded that a marriage is that different, on that front -"
" - not what I meant. I mean, it all depends on one specific person while that person is selected for being someone who wants a pretty Chelish prisoner who's supposed to spend all her time under enchantments, that's -"