Kyeo doesn't remember enough of the fight to know what happened, and his head is killing him, but when he checks he still has his sidearm and also now he's apparently crashlanded on a planet with absolutely awful-looking hostile fauna, wow, and that one's coming his way much too fast and he draws and shoots.
"Uh, I paid for healing for you and in ten minutes it will happen and then we can leave and go back to our barracks and workroom."
This is probably just confusing because Kyeo has a concussion. Or she doesn't know the vocabulary for "doctor" and stuff like that in Ibyabekan. "Okay."
Four minutes pass and then an armored man staggers into the room with a horrifying, definitely-shouldn't-be-survivable gouge running from his shoulder down across his torso and taking a chunk out of his leg. The instant he's in the room the man in the center of it chants something and then -
The armored man stands up, totally uninjured. His armor is still shredded. He walks without a limp towards the center of the room and leaves some coin.
Kyeo's concussion is gone.
Kyeo does not get out of there. He stares at the cleric and the guy with the shredded armor, speechless.
"It's neat but you gotta be Neutral for it and so does your god. Come on, it's not decent to linger here."
"We're at the Worldwound. It's a big tear to the Abyss and demons pour through it trying to devour everything. There are magic protections holding them back, but some of them get through. All the Lawful churches and countries have people here to fight them. Neutral clerics - and Good ones, I guess - can channel positive energy, for healing, fifteen foot radius, so they build rooms like those, and you go pay to hang out in them until the next time the cleric does a channel, which is usually on the half-hour but he did it early because that guy was not going to live five more minutes."
Kyeo has been captured by hostile parties and they have given him SO MANY DRUGS, that's what's going on. He is high on painkillers and who knows what else and they are talking nonsense to see if he does something stupid.
He should probably... shoot her? Actually, no, he probably shouldn't shoot anyone while he's high, he has no idea what's going on. He makes sure the safety is on and draws it for her to look at because if they've got him captured it is unlikely they couldn't just take it.
She examines it quietly for a minute, with Detect Magic up even though it seems not to be magic. Identifies the metals. Admires the really clean precise make. "I've never seen one of these before. I guess if they can only recharge on their ship that makes sense."
There are reactors on the planet too. Perhaps he shouldn't tell her that in case that is somehow sensitive information in a way he can't determine right now because he hit his head. Probably he shouldn't say anything but name-rank-serial.
"I've got like twenty minutes of Tongues left," she says when she's done studying it. "I can give you Taldane in the morning but not right now, so if you have other questions you should ask them now. If you go shoot some more demons I'm sure people will feed you."
Welp he's going to starve after he runs out of charge in another thirty-three shots, then, isn't he, if that's how they've decided to kill him. He should get it over with, the first few days of going without food are the worst ones. Or maybe he should go shoot wildlife a bunch first? So they can't use the gun on his crewmates, wherever they are? He doesn't really have a procedure memorized for being captured by people pretending they can do magic.
She's now looking at him with some concern. "And you could go to the paladins after that, if you wanted, I think they can't let anyone starve who is in their field of vision or something like that."
Is he supposed to know what a paladin is. What is the point of this entire operation. He's still a cadet, for crying out loud, what do they think he knows?
"Ibyabek," he corrects, which is written on his uniform and not really secret information even if it isn't name-rank-serial.
Why is he on Pretend Superstitious Barbarians Planet. What a stupid planet. Maybe if he just actually volunteers his name-rank-serial she will get the picture. "My name is Kyeo Sebe Luk, star cadet, 01992350."
"My name is Carissa Sevar, weapons enchanter with Her Majesty's Seventh. Ibyabek has...a million soldiers?"