kyeo and carissa
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"It's only most of them?"


"There are a lot of gods and some of them have very unpredictable or complicated interests. But it's most of them."


"Well, I'm... glad there is a plan not to let any of the remainder get a melter."


"Sorry for getting distracted," he says to Kyeo. "I don't know if that line of discussion was productive anyway, though..."


"I thought we were here to talk about whether Carissa's getting married."


"Mmm. Is that what you want?" he asks Carissa. 


"Honestly sir I want to make magic items for a living and not tell Asmodeus anything and not be a prisoner anymore. But I - understand that you aren't going to let me do that.

I'm - not sure I'm eligible to get married, by Osirian standards."


"Anyone is eligible to get married if they can find someone who wants to marry them and it's a complicated case but you're a very talented woman, and I think there are some people who'd see that as a positive thing worth overlooking other things."


"Do they say in other places that being quick runs in the blood or do they only say that in Cheliax, sir."


"That is also how we understand it in Osirion. So, see, you have a lot going for you. How old are you."




"I will look into it for you."


"Thank you, sir."


"What's your friend like?" Kyeo wonders.


"We've been travelling together for eight years. He's a conjuration specialist and plans on retiring as soon as he hits fifth circle and selling teleports and spending almost all of his time at home doing whatever's interesting. He's lawful neutral and doesn't particularly hold by any gods and goes to holidays at the temple to Nethys mostly to see Clepati show off. He's not Good, which I thought might be - a plus, considering - but I have never known him to treat anyone unkindly. I think he does want a wife he can take to fancy parties but you can take mysterious foreign wives to fancy parties. He is not married. He would probably eventually want a second wife, unless you two fall in love or something."


"Is that very common in Osirion? It's not very common in Cheliax."


"...I think Cheliax is unusually awful that way. But - it's not something to count on, anywhere, you can count on decency and a good income and good insurance and you should not get into any marriages where if that's all you had you'd regret it."


"Are second wives a normal thing - Ibyabek doesn't do that -"


"Osirion does. I think they are generally inadvisable but there are some situations where they are the least bad option, and many of the problems are mitigated if you're very very rich."


Kyeo is growing to really dislike the word 'rich'.


"Carissa, do you want us to make rules that you can't have one guest at a time?"


"I think you can trust your people not to hurt me, ma'am, and I like having Kyeo over."


"I am very sure of our people, I just wanted to check what'd make you feel comfortable."


"Being able to be useful would make me feel more comfortable."

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