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:Morning. Just trying to juggle the order of my day, can I check in with you now because I expect that to be fast and non-exhausting?:


<Sure. I think I am fine. I feel sad about people being dead a lot.>


She joins him on the field, pacing a short distance away. :That makes sense. People being dead is pretty awful and there's too much of it going around: 

How's his tapestry today. 


Stressed, still requires a fair bit of dancing-through, not much worse than yesterday.


Unsurprising. :Hmm. My impression is that you're continuing to cope pretty well given the circumstances. Scale of one to ten, again, on how well you can think right now?: 


Melody is slightly more dubious of this answer but nods. :Are you sleeping all right? You seem tired. Then again, so am I and I slept fine, could just be the - everything: 


<I've been morphing a lot, it's fatiguing.>


:Mmm. Well, I will trust you to handle not doing any more of it than you must, you know the tradeoffs there better than me. Anything else causing you distress?: 


<Pretty much just the everyone being dead> he responds.


:I know. I'm sorry: She fidgets with her sleeve. :All right, that covers everything. Any chance you know which of the mages here can give me a Gate to Velgarth?: 


He can look who is awake and point someone out.


Melody thanks him and heads out. She can't get a Gate directly to Haven, annoyingly, none of Leareth's mages who know interworld Gates have been there, but she can stop up north and then get a pickup from there to Haven, and– :Matirin, is there a plan yet for the Andalites currently in Velgarth?: 


<- you know, if it's not a bad time, perhaps I should go through now too and speak with them. I have told them they have two weeks of leave in Valdemar because the ship's overcrowded and I don't want our forces concentrated there anyway. In two weeks hopefully we can buy some land on Earth where Andalites can live.>


:Should be a fine time: And they can get a Gate across. 


Nayoki is talking to some of the Velgarth Healers who were freed yesterday; she immediately Mindspeaks Melody privately to ask if Leareth came to talk to her yet, and makes a face when the answer is no.

She waves to Matirin. :Can I help you?: 


<Hello! I just came by to speak to my people.>


:Oh, good! They are over there: She gestures at where the Andalites have settled in. 


He heads over to speak to them. They are, understandably, quite eager for an update on the surrender and quite confused by the whole story and quite impatient about having several weeks leave here, though Matirin appeases them by describing how miserably crowded the ship is. Alloran is not with them; he asks someone, who explains that he's in Haven.


Melody negotiates with Nayoki and via Mindspeech-relay with the Heralds to bring a bunch of Leareth's mages briefly through when Savil does a Gate for her this time, so that literally anyone else will be able to cart her around next time. 

:Want to come down with me and see Alloran?: she asks Matirin. :He expected you would want to talk to him: 


<He knows everything Visser Three has been up to for the last twenty years. I am expecting it to be - difficult - but we do need it.>


Nod. :If you don't mind, I want to talk to him first for a bit. Maybe you could give King Randale an update on everything that happened, they're probably confused too: 


Savil uncomplainingly raises another Gate up north; she's pretty pleased with the plan of letting some more mages get Haven Gate-locations, even if they are Leareth's mages, it seems like things with Leareth are - fine? And Taver approved it. 


The Companions invited Alloran to sleep with them in the barn overnight the night before, if he wants, it gets cold at night this time of year and he can have the big stall with lots of room. The foals want to have SLEEPOVERS with the alien, who they are already very attached to, but are dissuaded from this plan. In the morning it's looking to be a sunny day and the Companions are milling about stretching their legs, some of them going out on errands with their Heralds riding them, or just on rides for fun. There's an obstacle course. One of the young stallions is showing off on it. 


Alloran would prefer sleepovers, Andalites never sleep alone, but he does not say this. He grazes and fields all questions that don't touch on technology, which the foals' questions mostly don't. He practices moving. He's so very bad at it. For some reason the thing that is upsetting him most right now is the realization that even if the Yeerk's control had ever slipped for a second like he spent all his time waiting for he wouldn't have been able to use the opening to kill himself.

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