He nods.
"Okay. There's a lot of negotiating going on right now, with the end of the war, so I don't know how fast we'll sort everything out. We want to make sure that having a Yeerk for decades doesn't degrade a person's capabilities too much, and ideally figure out how to predict that so we know who is at risk of it. And we want to make sure that anyone who made friends with their Yeerk because it was a little better than fighting all the time, but much worse than living their own free life, doesn't end up stuck with a Yeerk now that a free life is an option again. And we want to make sure we have a good plan for if, uh, Yeerk friendships end and someone decides they want their head to themselves. But we - want you to get to decide your own life, from here on out, so if you want Enstat in your life we'll figure out a safe way for it to work, within the next couple of months. ...also the U.S. government may want laws of its own about this and I don't know what they will be but I will try to make the case for laws that achieve those same things. If you think of anything else we should know, there are some people here who can pass messages to me, and some people who can message Enstat, too, if you want to talk to her about all this."