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"Any chance they sent your medical chart?" Marian peers in the back of the wheelchair. "- Ah, good, I don't need to interrogate you about what your doctors said." She skims it looking for the diagnosis on what stage of cancer it is. 


Stage II breast cancer, three-centimetre tumour on diagnosis (it's shrunk some on the latest scan), biopsy-confirmed spread to lymph nodes on the same side but no evidence of other metastases. 


Marian runs this by Emril once the Healer emerges from Sight-trance. 


"- Yes, seems right," Emril says absently. "We can work with this, it'll be a few days to get all of it and I want to bring in a Healer who's more experienced with cancer specifically to check her over, but - Aileen, I'm pretty confident you're going to be fine. And no more of the horrible-side-effect treatment." She takes her hand away from the woman's shoulder. "Feeling a bit better?" 


"Loads, I feel like I could walk down the hall. When is it safe for Enstat again?"


"Er, medically speaking probably a week, we'll want to monitor you. Um. And the other issue is - so - you're probably not very in the loop on this, but." Emril swallows. "- The Yeerks surrendered. The Andalites have basically won the war. We really want to negotiate for voluntary hosts to keep their Yeerks, it'd - be the happiest ending we can still work toward, here. But the Andalites want to talk to you and... Just, right now they're suspicious that any of it was what they'd call voluntary, they - are not historically on good terms with the Yeerks. That's one reason we wanted to bring you up here to the ship, because then they can talk to you and get your side of things." 


"- I can talk to them, I can't have her right now anyway... is she going to be okay..."


"I hope so," Emril says, seriously. "Do you want to talk to them now, then? I'd been going to suggest you wait until morning, but if you're feeling better now anyway..." 


"I feel great. And less nauseated - and - hungry? But I can talk to them while I eat. I assume you have food here."


"That's really good! Uh, I'll grab you some food." 


And Emril Mindspeaks Matirin to check if he's still awake. 


He is. He heard that Aileen arrived and is doing well, and he's glad.


Does he want to talk to her? She seems really eager to talk to him, she wants reassurance that her Yeerk is going to be all right. Emril hasn't extensively read her mind about it or anything, she'd want to ask before doing that, but even just with receptive Thoughtsensing she can pick up mood and intent and the woman sounds very sincere. They could ask Herald Vanyel in for a Truth Spell if Matirin wants. 


He would be happy to talk to her, and can assure her that her Yeerk is going to be just fine, whether she wants to continue hosting her or not. 


Emril passes on this reassurance to Aileen and says that the Andalite commander is coming to talk to her. 


"...he knows that I do want her back, right?"


"I have informed him of that fact, but..." Shrug. She waits. 


Marian yawns and checks the time and wonders if the Andalites would let her call Lacie now and ask if any of their colleagues want to come help the alien spaceship. There are a lot of Healers she could ask to take over for the night but the Velgarth Healers are having a much harder time getting used to all the machines. 


He morphs human. It seems more suited for seeming reassuring to humans, unless they specifically need to pet a quadruped and presumably that doesn't come up that much.

"Aileen? I'm Matirin. I'm the Andalite commander here on Earth. I really appreciate your being willing to talk with us."


"Nice to meet you. Once I don't have cancer any more I want Enstat back," she says.


"Mmhmm. Can you tell me about how you two got to know each other?"


"They weren't acting openly and I had a job in the White House so they didn't ask, not even by way of hypothetical question like they sometimes do. They gave a lot of us Yeerks with our flu shots, it was pretty creepy. But she was always trying really hard and she helped me, a lot, with some stuff in my personal life, and she understood me, and I got used to her and she offered to try to find me somebody else, after a while, they couldn't just turn me loose because that wouldn't've been secure enough to suit the big guy but Enstat's thing is trying to make it better as far as she can, getting personality matches and stuff - anyway I told her no, you stay, and she stayed, that was years back."


"Wow. And how long ago did you have to get her removed?"


"Four months ago. She stayed with me as long as she could but the chemo drugs and the radiation aren't great for me and she's so little."


"Since you got her out, have you been able to talk to any people who didn't have a Yeerk in their heads? Other patients, anything like that?"

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