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Mhalir has no idea where Aileen is, actually, he's in favour of need-to-know precautions even for himself and also there are way too many moving pieces to their US operations for him to personally know all of them. He's both quietly pleased and very, very scared, but he asks his staff to reply and provide directions, and also to update Enstat on this occurrence. 


When they get a reply they can pass it along so Emril and a mage can Gate down and fetch her, and also maybe anyone else whose condition is critical.


Aileen can, confusedly, slide into a wheelchair for this purpose; she's not up to walking through the gate. "Is Enstat here?"


(There are a lot of things happening very fast and he feels several steps behind and like he's making decisions purely in reactive mode and somewhat at random, but Visser 3 passes on a message to have a shuttle sent to inform Aileen's family that she's alive and can they come see her.) 


Emril looks Aileen in the eye. (Wow, she looks sick. Poor lady. It's not even just the cancer, it's whatever they're doing to her to try to fix the cancer, no wonder Enstat called it 'having poison for lunch.') 

"No, I'm sorry. I'm Emril - you talked to me over the phone before? I'm from another world and I have Healing magic. I promised Enstat that we would try our best to cure you, so she can come back. She misses you a lot." 


"- oh! Is that what she was being so evasive about - can you -"


"I hope so." Emril pats her shoulder. "We're going to try really, really hard. Um, the plan right now is that we're going to take you through that magic Gate to an Andalite ship, because they have really good medical technology too. And - also they're going to want to talk to you about Enstat, and what it was like having her in your head and - why it's something you wish you had back. But that can wait until you're feeling a bit better." She's already trying to shove Healing-energy through, not at the cancer yet, just to ease some of the strain on her body from the horrible treatments. 


"I feel better than I have all week actually..."


"I'm glad. What do humans on this world do for cancer? Looks really rough." Emril nods to the mage and wheels her through the Gate. They can come back later for others, and for her family once they're in the loop, she doesn't want to delay this at all


"Ugh, there's chemicals and radiation and basically a lot of stuff that they think kills cancer slightly more than it kills me."


"Wow! Well, the way Healing works in Velgarth, the world I come from, is that I can see in your body with something we call Healing-Sight - it's a little bit like what humans call an 'MRI' except a lot better - and I can go in and fix things by thinking about it. We can't always cure cancer, but if the treatments you got here did manage to weaken the cancer, it should be easier." 

And now they're back on the Andalite ship and she's wheeling Aileen into the medical bay. 


Marian jumps up and points at Cayaldwin, who's asleep again, and makes a 'shh' gesture, then points them to the opposite end of the room, and taps the button for the semi-opaque hologram-y thingy that'll give him some privacy. (The Andalite doctor controls it with his brain chip but she cannot do that.) 

She joins them. "Hi! I'm Marian. I was a nurse in Vancouver and then I got recruited to work for aliens." 


"This is Aileen." 


Marian gives Emril the universal Healer/nurse look of 'wow she looks sick.' 


"Nice to meet you - I assume Andalites recruit, uh, differently -"


"They put a job ad in a newspaper and then I had the weirdest phone call I have ever had in my life - I thought afterward, oh, they're aliens, that explains it. And then they interviewed me in a hotel room. I thought they were going to kidnap me but they said I could've left if I didn't want to work for them, I think they would've erased my memory though. Did you, uh, get kidnapped...?" 


"I worked in the White House and they were pretty thorough about that, yeah, it was rough the first few weeks."


"Wow. That sounds really scary." She helps Emril ease Aileen out of the wheelchair and onto the bed. "Emril said that Enstat claimed you got along eventually, though, is that true?" 


"Yeah, we did. Like, at first I was all, you're evil body-snatching aliens, aaaah, but she was trying really hard, she let me have the body any time she could without me trying to call the cops, she got my life in shape, she always understood? And then she got my son talking to me again, we'd been - it was a whole thing - I hadn't been able to do it, to say the right things even when I kind of had an idea what the right things would be - and then eventually she said she could try to get me a different Yeerk, if I wanted, one who would still have to maintain security protocols but at least wouldn't have kidnapped me in the first place, and I said what if instead you don't do that, and it got better from there. This one time we met up with a friend of hers who as a hobby project wrote, like, an ad script for voluntary hosting, if they can ever just run ads, and it was like 'I want a friend who really gets me, I want a friend who's always there', blah blah but it's really like that if you relax about it?"


"Huh." Marian looks thoughtful. "Anyway, I'm going to put some monitoring machines on you, all right? And Emril is going to have a look at you with Healing-Sight." Marian is so jealous of Healing-Sight.


Emril puts her hand on Aileen's shoulder and dives in deeper with her Sight, studying the cancer, initially just from her own observations though afterward she should ask Aileen what her doctors said about it. 


"Is the hand on the shoulder necessary for magic or what?"


"It's not absolutely necessary for Sight but it makes it easier, sort of like getting better focus on a microscope." Emril knows so many more analogies to make with Earth technologies, now. "Is it bothering you?" 


"Not a lot, if it's helping it's fine."


Emril only does it for the minimum length of time she needs to, then. And uses the opportunity to hold a link and shove through lots of ambient Healing-energy, she can't do anything more precise while also examining the cancer but that by itself should help the poor lady feel a lot better. "Er, I'm not doing any direct Healing of the cancer right now but I am giving your body a boost, should counteract some of the treatment side effects." She examines the breast tumour itself and then follows the usual pathways where it spreads, lymph nodes and further afield. 

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