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Melody sends Matirin off with Savil to go update the Heralds, and heads over to where Alloran is. :Hey: 




:How do you like Haven so far?: She has a peek at his tapestry. Any change since yesterday? 


It looks pretty much the same but there's a little bit of very tentative new thread growth, in a couple areas that weren't damaged quite as badly. And maybe it's under a little less strain? Only a little less, though.

<Everyone has been very welcoming.>


:I'm glad. Companions are really wonderful people. Taver says the foals find you very interesting and glamorous and won't leave you alone, I hope that isn't bothering you: 


<I had children. I don't know if they are still alive and I am sure they don't remember me.>


:I'm sorry. That must be - well, I would find it very distressing, missing my children growing up. Hopefully once Matirin is back in touch with Andalite command we can find out one way or another. What are their names?: 


<Sanat and Estavar.>


:Those are lovely names: She gets out her notebook and writes them down so she won't forget. :Anyway. You seem a little better to me. How are you feeling?: 


<I am not sure. It doesn't seem real. I am concerned that I have gone insane and Visser Three is encouraging me in it since this way I bother him less.>


:Mmm. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm real and not a figment of your or the goddamned Visser's imagination: wants to throw him into the suuuuuun but she does not say this, though it leaks a tiny bit, :but I think it might take a while for it to settle in and seem more real to you. Also, I'm kind of expecting that once it does sink in properly and feel real, you're - going to have a lot of emotions to work through, because that was so, so much awfulness: 


<Yeerks are very evil and Visser Three is one of the worst of them.>


:Yes, I know: Angryangryangry. Melody takes a deep breath. :Fortunately, the Andalites have now won the war, and you survived it, and you're safe and are going to get better and Visser Three is never going to have a chance to hurt anyone like that ever again. And - it doesn't make it any less awful, what happened to you, but War-Prince Matirin: damn it she forgot the rest of his name again, :is here to speak with you after, and what you know about Visser Three is going to be very valuable to him, I think. I imagine it'll be hard to retell it and I'm going to suggest he do it a little at a time, I'll be coming back every day for a while: 


<Yes> Alloran says steadily. <I want to do that. I want to help - end the war and bring him to justice.>


:I know. I'll be here for it: Melody tugs at the collar of her robes. :I've been thinking about how to help you get better, and I think one of the things you're probably very out of practice with, is - wanting things at all, having preferences, and also having goals and trying to achieve them. Since Visser Three wore your body like a skin and took away all of your ability to have those things. So I want you to start working on that, with small things at first. Does that make sense?: 


<I am not sure. Maybe. It does not seem very important.>


:I think that's part of it, right? You haven't had any chance to have things that were important to you in a long time. Anyway, it's fine if it doesn't seem important yet and you're just humouring me. Can you think of anything you noticed yourself appreciating, finding pleasant, in the last day?: 


<It is nice to be around children. Yeerks mostly do not bother to take them that young.>


Melody makes a face, imagining enslaved children. Gack. :That makes sense. I think the grownup Companions are worried that they're pestering you too much, though Taver said he appreciated how patient you are with their questions. Can I tell Taver he doesn't need to worry because you like having them around? Otherwise he might feel he has to shoo them off, and I'm concerned it would be hard for you to say anything if you preferred not that: 


<You can tell Taver he does not need to worry.>


:Thank you. Hmm. I know this is a hard question, but, is there anything that you wanted to be different, in the past day? Even if there wasn't actively a bad thing, just something that could have been a little nicer?: 


<...I wish Visser Three was dead. He has a new host, I assume. They were asking him what kind he wanted, before he released me.>


Melody has been finding herself also wishing Visser Three was dead, even though this is an unpleasant thing to wish on anyone and she's, in a separate thread of her mind, actually very impressed by how he handled the de-escalation part and ensuing negotiations. :That makes sense. I believe he has a new host, supposedly one of the humans who doesn't mind it that much: Which she's suspicious of although it's not outside plausibility. :I believe that once everything is settled with the terms of surrender, they're going to put all of the Yeerk leadership on trial for war crimes, and he has to be at the top of the list. I conveyed to Matirin that if they execute him you want to be there: 


He nods. <They tried to keep the cooperative humans away from all the ugly work, so they didn't have to think about what it was they were being used to do. It wouldn't work on Andalites, but - the humans never heard about Yeerks before it happened to them, and they can't speak to anyone but their Yeerk. So some of them decided to collaborate. It is - not honorable - but it is understandable.>


:Yes, a lot of things are understandable in these circumstances: Sigh. :How've you been going on practicing moving around?: 

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