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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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Around sevenish Wei Ying shifts a little, presses Lan Zhan in a little closer, and slides a leg over Lan Zhan's waist. 




She makes a strangled noise (which is helpfully muffled by WEI YING'S BREASTS WHAT THE FUCK) and shivers all over.

It is about as hard to avoid squirming right now as it was to run on her broken leg. It is so hard she is going to die.


Eventually Wei Ying rolls over, one arm still tucked under Lan Zhan's head and the other still trailing in her hair and one ankle still on Lan Zhan's hip, but no longer smushing her boobs into anything. 





Lan Zhan takes some deep breaths. She waits to stop feeling like she's been set on fire; This does not happen.


Wei Ying wakes shortly before nine. 

"Ahh, g'morning Lan Zhan," she murmurs sleepily. 


"Good morning."


"Mmm. Breakfast?" she asks, gently extracting the arm under Lan Zhan's head and levering herself up out of bed. 




She smiles at Lan Zhan again and kisses her on the top of the head before traipsing off to get food. 


Time for another frantic session of rubbing herself through her robes until Wei Ying comes back! Aaaaaaaaaa!


Wei Ying comes back a few minutes later, and manages to balance both bowls on one arm so she can get the door open smoothly--


-- and she is greeted by the sight of Lan Zhan touching herself and moaning softly, eyes closed and head tossed back.


--and then shut just as smoothly and quietly a second later, almost dropping the bowls because what the fuck. 

She sets the bowls down on the floor as quietly as physically possible and buries her bright red face in her hands and takes deep breaths. 

It's not like she's never--of course she has, obviously, she took just as much advantage of Nie Huaisang's illicit porn-vending services as any of the boys back when they were all students together, it's just--

She never expected the immaculate, elegant, poised Second Jade to--!

Especially not when they were sharing a room and Wei Ying was only going to be gone for a minute!!! How shameless! Surely she would have ample ammunition the next time Lan Zhan called her that. 

Except the idea of using this against Lan Zhan in any way makes her stomach do unpleasant flip-flops. 

...This is objectively really good, right, if she's doing that then that means she's recovering from what happened, right? That's. That's probably why. 

Except that her own lower abdomen is a pool of molten heat right now, and her mind is presenting her with all kinds of images, composed of imagination on a scaffold of Lan Zhan in a single soaked white robe in the Cold Pond Cave, Lan Zhan smiling at her, Lan Zhan in the moonlight and prettier than any full moon could ever be--


Okay. So. Apparently she's desperately into her best friend. Her best friend who--this is not the time, no matter how well she's recovering. Her best friend who is definitely the most amazing wonderful person in the universe and FUCK, she is definitely in love with Lan Zhan. 


She should. She should definitely not listen against the door. else is she supposed to know when it's safe to come back in? 

Cheeks and other areas burning, she presses her ear against the door. 


Lan Zhan keeps moaning, desperate and low. One moan breaks off into a softer noise, higher and more fragile - and then she is quiet.


She should definitely not have done that and that is definitely the hottest thing that has ever happened in her life. 

She gets the trembling in her limbs under control before scooping up the bowls and opening the door again. 


Lan Zhan also has her limbs under control again. Her face is still ever so slightly flushed.

(She feels disgusting, now, a little, and her hands feel numb and she doesn't even know why she could be upset, but - she's been doing a great job ignoring feelings like that and she isn't going to stop now.)

And now Wei Ying is back here being lovely and differently overwhelming and that's a much better use of Lan Zhan's attention. She sits up in bed and smiles at Wei Ying.



Even if she never gets to kiss Lan Zhan somewhere less chaste than the top of her head, she's still someone Lan Zhan cares about, someone Lan Zhan smiles at, someone who gets to snuggle her at night, and that makes her objectively the luckiest person in the world. 

She gives Lan Zhan her share and digs in to her own portion, completely failing to notice how sappy the smile she herself is giving Lan Zhan is. 


She eats beside her, quiet and content. Her whole arms have gone numb now; this is vaguely alarming but hardly more difficult to operate around than a broken leg. She'll just keep ignoring that and it'll be fine.

"What will you do today?"


"Ah, probably keep working on the talismans. Maybe whack a training dummy with Wen Chao's sword to get a feel for it, since it's better than nothing." 


Lan Zhan misses their swords. She might not see Bichen again until the war is over, even; the idea of using another sword for months makes her skin prickle.

But Wei Ying is smart to already be thinking past that. Lan Zhan nods in approval. "Mn."


"What about you? More meditation and strategy?"


"Mm. I will consult with Sect Leader Nie again.

I should meditate alone today."


This is perfectly reasonable and does not mean she figured out Wei Ying listened in on her touching herself and wants to distance them! 

"Okay. That makes sense. Sect Leader sooner, or later?"


Possibly she should sort herself out before attempting strategy, but she has already spent too much time being idle this morning. Her mind will be clearer if she does something useful first.




Wei Ying is still going to insist on playing living crutch to keep the weight off Lan Zhan's healing leg. 

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