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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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Meng Yao very slowly removes the dagger from Wen Chao's hand. He sets it neatly down on the table.

Then he stabs the burning knife down in its place. 



"If you mention this again in interrogations, to anyone, I will dissect this hand and use the bones to pierce your throat until you bleed out. Am I clear?" He twists the knife viciously.


Meng Yao leaves the knife there as he exits.



Zewu-Jun will be extremely upset if he finds out. It is important to spare him that. Meng Yao knows the exact way that it will burn.

Meng Yao's hands are shaking. He is... possibly also upset. Whore. And asking for it. He wants to storm back inside the cell and slice Wen Chao's tongue into ribbons, but then he will not be able to stop until the prisoner is dead. They can't afford that.

Whore. And blood, and his head hits the stairs, and - 


Anyway. Lan Xichen shouldn't find out. If he has survived, and if he recovers from his injuries and returns to them - he will need his sister to be okay.

(He will need his sister to be alive. Not all of them live.)

People are different, and Lan Zhan is a difficult person to get to know. Meng Yao doesn't know what Lan Zhan needs. He always brought his mother wine. (She would have only one small glass. As she told Meng Yao, it was not proper to take more in one sitting.)

It's a starting point, at least, and alcohol is certainly easy to find.


He passes Wei Ying, looking darkly contemplative, going in the other direction. Her mind is clearly elsewhere but she does nod respectfully as they pass. 


He paints on his usual smile and bows before they part ways.


"--Ah, actually, sorry, but are you coming from interrogating Wen Chao? If he cooperated and there's anything you promised wouldn't be done to him in exchange, I should know, so I can avoid that specific thing." 


"I promised him no protection. Though, if Wei-guniang desires other guidelines... I would recommend castrating him."



A look of dark and deep rage crosses her face. 

"I agree entirely on the appropriateness of that approach, Meng-gongxi, but the fact of the matter is that once you cut something off of someone they can no longer experience pain in it." 


He bows again, more deeply. "Wei-guniang is wise to think of this. He deserves as much pain as you feel inclined to provide him."


"...Well, I know why I understand this, but...what did he say, or is this mostly about Zewu-jun?"


"Please pardon me, Wei-guniang, but it is not my place to tell you about this matter if you are not already aware. I have already ensured that Wen Chao will tell no one else."



She bows deeply to him. 

"Thank you, Meng-gongxi. I should have realized it would be necessary. I--I am not happy it got out to anyone else, but--well. You seem the least likely to--have erroneous changes of opinion about it." 


"I have been presented with no reasons for my opinion of Lan-guniang to change.

...for the sake of the war, we may not yet kill him. Wei-guniang should feel free to do anything else she likes."


"The only reason I didn't kill him then and there was that Lan Zhan refused to leave with me until I pointed out that having him as a hostage would prevent them from retaliating for her escape by slaughtering her surviving kin. I will not end his miserable life until it is no longer of military value." 


"I understand." That sounds like Wei Ying saw. He won't ask about it, but he hates Wen Chao a little more.


Deep breath. 

"From everything I have ever seen of you, and of Jin Guangshan, I can only presume that your mother was an intelligent, honorable, graceful woman. Between that and my gratitude for your correction of my error, please, come to me if you have any difficulties with people refusing to understand that she should not be disrespected." 



He bows, and holds himself there for several seconds. His arms tremble and his eyes rather glow. "I will remember your words, Wei-guniang."


"Ah! There's no need to bow to me for expressing my gratitude!" she says hastily. "But I'm glad nonetheless. I'll see you later," she says, bowing to him in turn, and then leaving to go do truly horrible things to Wen Chao. 


Meng Yao knocks on Lan Zhan's door with a gourd of wine in his hand.


Is it Wei Ying? But Wei Ying wouldn't knock. "Enter."


It is indeed not Wei Ying.

Meng Yao stands in the doorway. "Lan-guniang. I hope I am not interrupting."


She inclines her head.

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