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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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"Fine. I was not able to focus enough on healing it, before. Now it should go quickly."


She scowls briefly at "not able to focus enough." 


She pauses briefly, staring into the distance consideringly. 

"Lan Zhan...I think I need some kind of disguise." 




"For Gusu. If we get spotted and someone tells the Wens what's going on, I don't want it to be obvious how not-kidnapped I am." 


"You will pretend to be someone else?"


"Or, like, just, mysterious hooded figure, not necessarily a specific other person. My note wasn't super believable, I'm trying to give the Jiangs plausible deniability with the Wens, not make it hard for people who aren't morons to figure out." 


"We can find cloaks for you."


"And maybe a cool mask!" 




"Although, come to think of it, your uncle might decide to kick me out." 







"You saved me."


"I guess that's true. And I can probably avoid him more often than when we were stuck in a classroom together." 


"I will make sure you can stay, Wei Ying."


"Okay. Good. I really can't promise to behave but I can promise to helpfully misbehave." 


She pats her hand, Very Casually.


She takes the hand in hers and squeezes it. 




Well. It's getting towards nine in the evening, now, and Lan Zhan is still physically exhausted and behind on her sleep. She should probably start laying down in the bed and Wei Ying should cuddle her more.


Hmm. On the one hand, the Lan sect bedtime is crazy. Onnn the other hand, cuddling Lan Zhan. 

...Lan Zhan clearly still needs emotional support and stuff. It would be remiss in her duty to not cuddle Lan Zhan the maximum amount possible. She climbs into bed and snuggles up. 


She loves her so much.

Lan Zhan curls against her and mumbles something appreciative, curling her fingers in Wei Ying's robes. Her eyelids are already drooping.


Lan Zhan is so wonderful, Wei Ying is definitely not going to be able to fall asleep for a while yet but just cuddling the sleeping Lan Zhan is very good. She's so glad they're friends, so glad Lan Zhan seems to be recovering well from--everything. They're going to go to Gusu and Lan Zhan's going to regroup her sect and Wei Ying's going to help however she can and the Wen aren't going to know what hit them. They make such a great team and they definitely did even before Lan Zhan decided it was okay for Wei Ying to touch her but she can't deny that she really really likes that she successfully got the Second Jade to warm up enough to her for this kind of thing. 

Wei Ying is still contemplating how good Lan Zhan is with a remarkable introspective obliviousness when she, too, falls asleep. 


Lan Zhan wakes up at dawn.



Wei Ying is not still, even in sleep. 

In this case, she seems to have wiggled a little farther up the bed, and is currently cradling Lan Zhan's head face-first into her chest. 




Okay. Okay. Calm. She doesn't move, because that could disturb Wei Ying - and also because she is currently being CRADLED INTO WEI YING'S CHEST and she is going to stay Right Here if it kills her.

- It might kill her. Her heart is beating much faster than it's supposed to and she feels dangerously warm all over and (AAAA WEI YING'S BREASTS ARE SOFT OH NO).


Lan Zhan lays there and malfunctions for however many hours it takes Wei Ying to either move or wake up herself.

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