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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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She is very, very grateful for Sect Leader Nie's help.

(She is just as grateful for Wei Ying's hand in hers; her stomach flutters. Wei Ying's fingers are warm.)


(Wei Ying smiles at her and squeezes her hand when Lan Zhan looks at her.)


Lan-guniang should probably stay until her leg is at least somewhat healed and unfortunately Nie Mingjue does have other things he needs to do besides this so after a few hours they can wrap it up for now and come back to it tomorrow?


Alright. She thanks him for his time and effort.


She is very welcome also if they move decisively enough soon enough maybe Xichen will be okay. 


She stands up. Would Wei Ying like to go back to their room now?


Sure, she can get more work done on her talismans. 

Time for Wei Ying The Extremely Insistent Living Crutch again. 


This is silly, but Wei Ying is being very sweet. Lan Zhan cannot actually object to leaning up against her like this, even at the cost to her dignity.

In their room Lan Zhan can return to the bed and work on... healing herself, mostly. It is extremely frustrating that this is the most productive thing she can do at the moment.


Wei Ying works on her talisman notes and occasionally doodles Wen Chao dying horribly in various ways in the margins and displays inventive ways to completely fail to have proper posture, a few of which involve absentmindedly draping parts of herself inside Lan Zhan's personal space. 




"Huh? Did you say something, Lan-jiejie?"




"N. No."


"Oh, sorry," she says, and moves her leg out of Lan Zhan's lap. 


Nnnooooo. No come back.

She clears her throat. "There was no problem."


"Ah, I know you're trying to meditate, I should probably be more careful not to accidentally kick you." 


"You did not."


"Oh good." 

She goes back to her talismans, humming gently to herself. 

(After a few minutes she sits up again and leans against the bed, hair spilling over Lan Zhan's knee.)


This time Lan Zhan is very, very careful not to make any noises or move in any way that might disturb Wei Ying from this position.

Wei Ying's hair is so soft. Aaaaaaaa.


She continues sporadically tormenting Lan Zhan with unselfconscious physical proximity until dinner time rolls around and she leaves to get them food. 


...Wei Ying probably won't be gone long enough for Lan Zhan to pleasure herself but wow it's tempting.

Maybe just a little.


When Wei Ying returns, almost ten minutes later, she makes enough noise putting down one of the trays to get a hand free to open the door that Lan Zhan will have several seconds of warning if there is anything she doesn't want Wei Ying to see. 


She hastily smoothes over her robes and puts her hand back where it belongs. (She is not any less bothered, now, that was such a bad idea.)


Wei Ying brings in the food and closes the door and cheerfully chatters over dinner about talisman design. (She's still mostly working on the mass-immobilization one, but she's had half a dozen other ideas that she's done some preliminary sketches on before she can forget.) 


Lan Zhan listens attentively as she eats her dinner. Wei Ying is just - wonderful and brilliant and amazing. Lan Zhan wants to write more songs about her.


"How's your leg doing, Lan Zhan?" she asks when they've finished and she's stacking the used dishes. 

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