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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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"I'm really glad I can help." 


"Where is Wen Chao?"


"Dungeon. Different part of it from Xue Yang so they can't conspire."


"Sect Leader Nie is handling interrogating him?"


"Uh huh. I'd be very happy to torture him for information but you're more important." 


"We should find other things to help with."


"I've been thinking of working on talisman development. If I'm really trying to create weapons I can probably come up with something way more effective than Binding or that fire scattering one." 


"The fire scattering talisman was effective."


"Ah, I'm glad to hear it!" 


"Wei Ying is very skilled."


Eeeee praise from Lan Zhan. Wei Ying squirms a little bit. "Thanks. I'm glad something I did could be useful to you." 


Should they get breakfast? Food for Wei Ying is important, and Lan Zhan herself has not eaten properly since her capture.


They should totally get breakfast! (That sentence would have more exclamation points on it if Lan Zhan had said the thing about not having eaten properly out loud.) Maybe Wei Ying should go get breakfast for both of them so Lan Zhan doesn't walk on her broken leg or anything. 


Wei Ying can do that if she wants. Lan Zhan will stay here and meditate for a bit.


Wei Ying comes back with breakfast and sits down next to Lan Zhan and eats. She doesn't talk, but less out of any kind of respect for the Lan rules against eating during meals and more because she has that faraway look in her eye that suggests her mind is going a mile a minute. 


Hopefully her mind is going a mile a minute about something good like talisman creation, and not something dangerous like singlehandedly murdering Wen Ruohan.

...Either way, it's a good look on her.

Lan Zhan eats silently as well and tries not to watch Wei Ying too obviously.


Wei Ying is way too preoccupied to notice if Lan Zhan is staring at her! When she's done eating she sets the dishes aside and then pulls paper and writing tools out of yesterday's sleeves and starts scribbling notes and diagrams. 


Awww. Aw.

Lan Zhan returns to meditating, focusing on healing her leg.


Wei Ying is not going to fall out of this nerd fugue until her body informs her it is time for lunch, although she will shift position several times, scratch her head, make faces at her work, and otherwise fail to be Still And Peaceful in any way. 


During lunch, Lan Zhan asks her what sort of talisman she's working on.


"Um, sort of a cross between Binding and that net thing from Dafan mountain that we used to keep the puppets out--I'm trying to see if I can immobilize a whole bunch of soldiers at once." 


"That would be very useful." And it will be useful, because a war is starting. 

A war is starting, and the Lan Sect needs her. "I should talk to Sect Leader Nie."


"Is it private, or can I help you get around?"


"You may help. I must request aid for the Cloud Recesses."


She nods and helps Lan Zhan to her feet and loops Lan Zhan's right arm over her own shoulders to take the weight off her broken leg. 

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