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Is whatever's horribly wrong something I should have guards mobilized or your King fetched about.


:Oh gods no it's fine - I'm so sorry I didn't realize it would look like that–:


:...I could maybe use a hug. I, just - this was the worst time and way to find out that I lost track of the Velgarth calendar and now I'm going to be stupidly sad all day and not get anything done and I'm sorry: 


He comes in and hugs him. - anniversary of something important?


:Technically two days ago was. Of the day my lifebonded partner got killed. And by 'got killed' I mean 'exploded himself in a very large fireball'. I am much less of a mess about it now but I'm clearly still - I'm sorry: 


:There are mitigating circumstances to the fireball part but, um, they aren't actually going to make the overall situation sound better: Probably they will instead make it sound ten times more worrying. 


- I cannot really imagine it much mitigated, no.


:It's been eighteen years - that's more than half my life - and I miss him and it hurts every time I think about it, I want him to not be dead and I...can't have that...: 

Maybe he will avoid getting into the part where it's sort of vaguely arguably Leareth's fault.


I'm so sorry. 



There are a lot of worlds out there. We aren't going to stop looking until we find one that can bring back the dead of your world.


:...I'm sorry, that probably should make me feel better but it's not really helping right now: 


Hug. There is one tragedy on that scale in my peoples' history and we will undo it some day, I expect, but that won't fix the three thousand years of pain it caused.


:I'm sorry: Vanyel seems to relax slightly, though, hearing it. :Anyway, it's fine, it's not an emergency, I have dealt with this every single year, just, I'm going to be sad is all: 


Would you like everybody to sing?


:What, all day?: 


Seven days is actually traditional.


:Oh. Wow, that's... I think I don't want to spend the next seven days being reminded of this but if everyone did want to sing today that would be - really nice, actually. I usually light a candle for it: He leans back against the wall. :And then a lot more. Sovvan is coincidentally also the day where a lot of people remember people they've known who died. Shavri lights ones for all her patients, I think she's over a hundred now: 


Just today sounds good. 


He pauses. 


The Quendi all start singing. Vanyel might not be able to catch all the words but it's obvious just from the sounds that it's a hauntingly sad song. Maitimo sings very quietly. 




It's very beautiful and he can get at least some of the words. Vanyel stops making any effort to be less sad. He can try to be less sad on every other day of the year but this one is different. 


Sometimes you should be sad about sad things.


Vanyel wonders what Leareth, who speaks better Quenya than he does, is going to think of all the singing. 


Do you want me to explain?


:...Sure, actually. He knows a lot of background on this, just presumably has even less idea what time of year it is in Velgarth than I did. And then he'll understand if I don't end up going by today: 


Vanyel learned just now that he lost track of time and it was just Sovvan, he tells Leareth.

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