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"Vanyel, could you show the Companions the stables here?" he asks when he's at a break in the conversation with Dara. "And Stef, I am going to have to insist you come to the concert tonight, we're singing our account of the war."


"Um, sure, that's very kind of you." Stef shoots a wistful look at Vanyel's departing back. 


And then Savil is pulling over two other people to greet him. "Starwind, Moondance, this is Prince Nelyafinwë of the Noldor." 


"We are very pleased to meet you," one of them says. "I am Moondance k'Treva." He has waist-length white hair, some of which is braided but most of which is hanging down his back. 

He and the slightly older man next to him, who is silent and giving Maitimo a slightly lopsided smile, are holding hands. 


He is sincerely delighted to meet them! He can be sincerely delighted about meeting people all evening even if he is at the same time trying to figure out why he doesn't know what to tell Vanyel. 


People are sincerely delighted to meet him right back all evening!

Moondance's partner Starwind is the one who wanted to go to Lórien, Savil explains, it might make sense to send them off with an escort rather than dragging them to Vinyamar now. Moondance is a powerful mage and if they trust him to do so, he could Gate to Vinyamar later and catch up.


Sounds good! He can send a memory of Vinyamar so he knows where to go once they're done with Lórien.


Moondance is very grateful! 


Vanyel seems to have recovered his composure enough that, when he arrives back for the Gate to Vinyamar with his bags packed, he lets Stef make small talk with him rather than avoiding him.


"...Did you know," Stef is saying, "Jisa tried to convince me of six different plans to smuggle her through the Gate? She's madly jealous that I get to come see Arda and she doesn't." 


Vanyel is taking a drink and he nearly spits it out all over the floor. "What?" 


"She's really annoyed that Melody got to go and she didn't, she said that's very unfair and she hates Terrill and he's a way worse teacher than Melody, and she bets Melody is really overworked and would secretly appreciate her help." 


"Melody," Vanyel says sourly, "would not secretly appreciate her help and in fact would instantly send her back to Haven, what was she thinking. She's twelve. I mean, maybe she can come at some point just as a holiday, once it's more definite that it's safe? Melody definitely does not want to relocate her here though." 


He goes to get Leareth for the Gate to Vinyamar.


Leareth is just finishing packing up all his notes. "Is it time to go? I am sorry I did not come to greet any of the visitors earlier, I was going to, but..." 


"There'll be plenty of chance to talk to them, I think."


Leareth nods and finishes packing and is ready to follow him. 


Then they can rejoin everyone else for the Gate out to Vinyamar.


Vanyel manages to extract himself from the conversation with Stef, raises the Gate, and crosses immediately to wait for everyone else. 


And everyone else can go through promptly. He sticks by Leareth.


Leareth sticks near him as well. He's gotten much closer to his previous baseline of usually not showing that much emotion externally, but he does leave open a public thought for Maitimo that this is kind of overwhelming and he wishes there were fewer people. 


We can skip the concert and you can rest somewhere quiet. 


I think I would prefer that. Sorry. Maybe I could go for a little bit at the end. 


Elf concerts usually last a week and people dip in and out as they have things to do, it's not rude. 


Vinyamar is very pretty, though its main draw for new residents is that unlike the entire rest of the world it is well lit. The Silmarils, spaced about the city and set to move around, give the impression of a sky with three Suns, though none of them are as bright as Velgarth's sun. Sometimes there is only one of them visible and the city gets as dim as a night with a full moon. It's never dark. 


Vanyel thinks it's incredible. He takes Shavri and Randi around to see everything. (He does a lot of dodging Stef.) 

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