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"Good. I'll ask my aunt tomorrow, then, I probably need her help but maybe she could arrange some time to visit. How's Leareth doing?" 


"Okay, I think. He ran across the memory of making the Gate to Lórien. Melkor was pretty convincing. - I could've done better on the first try, I think, but for a Vala. Usually they have no social skills at all."


Vanyel shivers. "I'm really, really glad he's dead." 


"Yep. I'm so grateful we had you."


"You wouldn't've had me if not for Leareth," Vanyel says, half on rote, he must've said something like it fifty times every time someone tries to thank him. (Yfandes has been teasing him about this and says it's because he can't take praise and Valdemar had better get a move on sending some Bards out here to commemorate the war with songs and embarrass him.) 


"I know it. What a team you make."


Vanyel ducks his head. "Anyway, it must be late? I guess I should sleep." 


"Did you get dinner? Wilincë's making a breaded shrimp thing based on something someone made them in Velgarth."


“I must’ve forgot. That sounds really good, I should go get some.” He yawns, shoves his paper into a heap. Smiles tiredly. “Thank you for reminding me.”


"Never met anyone who could remember to eat when they were doing interesting research."


"Maybe not." Vanyel gets up, heads out to grab some food. 

The next morning he asks Maitimo if there's anything he wants to pass on to Velgarth or ask them. 


"I can send an update on where we're at for all the cultural exchange programs."


Sure, Vanyel can relay that through to Savil for him, who can pass it on to Dara; Vanyel's explains that she's the King's Own and as such is covering a lot of Randi's work in his absence. 


"And I'm sure we have created a lot more for her to do, too. I would apologize but I think your King's work here is very important. If most of our people have heard of humans only as terrifyingly powerful mages it'll complicate relations. It is good we can meet your King, and Shavri, too."


"No, I completely agree. So does Randi, or he wouldn't be doing it." Vanyel smiles, tiredly again. "I hope they stay a little once they get back here. I really missed both of them - it'd been eighteen months since I saw them."


"I have known a couple of Kings and there is nothing they prized more than close friends from before they were Kings."


"I think it's been good for Randi, yes. We had some, er, awkwardness right before I left for Urtho's Tower, but we'd mostly resolved it." His lips tug into a smile. "Part of it's that, well, I came out clearly in the right here. I was arguing that we ought to give Leareth more benefit of the doubt." 


"Well, I for one am very glad you did."


"Me too."

And Vanyel can pass some updates on, and get some updates in return on who wants to visit Arda. There are Healers who are interested in helping out in Endorë if that's still needed? Also they'd like to send some Bards to write songs about the war and bring them back to Valdemar. 


That's incredibly important! They should absolutely send Bards to write songs about the war for Valdemar. The Quendi have songs too but mostly in the Quendi languages.


Savil has heard a lot about how musical Quendi are, and even heard some of it directly from the diplomatic visitors before, though she's not as musical for Vanyel so it's hard to judge. 

Once they're done exchanging news, she wants to talk privately with Vanyel for a bit. 


He thanks her and ducks out.


About three minutes later, Vanyel bolts out of the room in tears. 


- his first instinct is to alert everyone of an unknown problem. Then he alerts everyone except Leareth who can't help and shouldn't be panicked. Then - Vanyel?


Vanyel has dived into the nearest unoccupied office to hide. :What:

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