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Probably. He is annoyed at the character assassination inherent in 'angry at Leareth', though this is a wildly stupid thing to be annoyed about. Probably lots of people would be angry at Leareth. In the event there'd been anything to be angry at Leareth for he'd be happily using that for concessions, making it obvious to Leareth that he was trying to shield him from other people's frustration - this is a stupid line of thought.  He can't understand what Melkor means to accomplish with those fake memories anyway. 


Possibly it was just supposed to be unpleasant. Though from the memories Leareth has managed to wander into by accident – mostly not specifically of Maitimo being angry with him, but Vanyel being angry, and - unpleasant to him in other ways - was a common theme – it was hard even at the time for him to be convinced and he mostly drifted through it in a state of indifference to whether it was real or not mixed with minor relief that he was not at this exact moment literally being tortured. 

...Plausibly Melkor finds it amusing to make it harder for people to trust those close to him even in the event that they're rescued. Though, Leareth would have said he wasn't as close to Maitimo before. Maybe that's why he went more with Vanyel for that. And Leareth has noticed that he finds it weirdly stressful being around Vanyel, even now, even when he's glad of it in other ways.

(Also, it's a lot easier to do an impression of Vanyel being very sad, and apparently this was upsetting even when Leareth was drifting through it suspecting it wasn't real.) 


But when would you have been rescued under conditions where Melkor still had anything to gain from - I guess he also didn't have anything to gain from the torture. 


"It seems possible Melkor just intrinsically prefers things to be bad on every dimension." 


"I guess that might be how you would expect an evil god to work. - why do we even have an evil god."


“Melkor blamed Eru for - everything, I suppose - but, well.” Shrug. “I do feel as though your world would look different if Eru shared my values.”


"It seems kind of likely. I figured he was - constrained, somehow. He sent another god, for the war against Melkor, so that the other Valar would win."


“So that is true! Melkor said it to me. I was not sure and did not get around to checking afterward.”


"Yes. Tulkas. His interpretation isn't - impossible? But if there's another god we have to kill too, that doesn't change that we definitely had to kill Melkor."


No. That much seems very, very clear.

Leareth shifts in Maitimo’s arms, finds a more comfortable position to lean back against his shoulder. “I...have a guess. About why Melkor swearing to leave you and Vanyel alone worked, at least in the four hundredth and something’th version.”


"From what I can tell, on every other version of this memory, I was - ready to die. Not certain that I would - I hoped that I would be imprisoned for a time and then you and Vanyel would win the war and I would be rescued. But willingly choosing it as a greater likelihood. all of them I was giving up control, or thought I was. I suppose I never had control in the first place, looking back." 

He closes his eyes. "I think that...went against everything, for me. And I think I could only bring myself to do it because I was holding you and Vanyel as specific examples of others who would take on my mission if I were not there any longer. Standing in for many others who must exist, of course, in all the worlds, but...still. I was placing a great deal of emotional weight there." He lets out his breath. "Perhaps an unfair amount. Neither of you were around to have any say in whether I would feel much closer to you after all of it." 


" Obviously I will support you in...trying to undo it...if that feels like a step towards being a person you have confidence in. But I don't mind, it seems straightforwardly to my advantage on the whole -"


"I think I do not mind. It is making things much easier right now, and..." There's something he wants to say but isn't at all sure he has the words for, yet. "I think I was not wrong to trust you that far? I think that you what is needed, never giving up, even if you would not choose all of the exact same methods that I would." 


"I don't think you were wrong."


"In my world, I spent - a very long time, learning not to trust others in that way. I still think that was necessary and appropriate, there, but...if things are different here, now, then maybe I ought to test whether trusting people works better. And I am not sure I would have been able to run that test easily, without - any of what happened. I suppose that was another kind of habit, that I had spent thousands of years training." 




"I feel like maybe it is inappropriate to opine on whether you ought to try being closer to people? It seems like a part of settling your head I shouldn't be very involved in, I think. But - that sounds very lonely. I - hope the experiment comes out that you ought to trust people sometimes."


That makes sense, but gods, who else is he supposed to talk to? Vanyel is even worse. ...He supposes he could bring it up with Melody, she's the closest thing here to a neutral party, she wasn't even in Arda when any of this happened. 


"It's not that I mind, it's never that I mind. It's - not wanting you to wonder later if you wanted to give me that much of your head. I guess it might still be a more comfortable position for future changes than this is. - I bet Melody'd have good advice."


"That makes sense. I think right now I need it very badly? And - maybe that will be different later and I will feel more able to step back and decide, and I am not sure what I would decide then, but...I would be glad to have seen both sides."

And now he is very tired, he's been up all day doing things and seeing Melody is always tiring and his eyelids are very heavy. "...Maitimo, can you - stay a little while? Only until I fall asleep," he knows Maitimo has a lot of work to do, "but, it is easier if you are here." 


"Of course."


He has memorized how to hold Leareth in bed so he doesn't startle him. 


Leareth drifts asleep in his arms, a few half-coherent public thoughts floating up, the gist of which are that he feels warm and safe and this is very nice and Maitimo is a good friend. 


He is but it's taking a lot of self-control. 


He gets up, when Leareth is asleep. Gets some work done. Contemplates and discards a dozen different schemes to get Findekáno transferred here. Checks whether Vanyel is up and if so whether he should be fetched something to eat.


Vanyel is up and takes a while to notice that Maitimo is there; he has a lot of big pieces of paper splayed out around him

He turns. "Oh! Did I lose track of time? ...I'm trying to figure out if we can make a permanent Gate here. My aunt found some documentation on them while I was away and I also found some in the Tower, she was stuck on a power source but I figure now that it's peacetime we could throw Curufinwë at making some very big artifact for it instead of needing the Silmarils..." 


"I bet he'd be delighted."

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