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Leareth agrees that it is very beautiful, and he can handle about twenty minutes of it at a time before wanting to hide in a quiet place for a few hours. (One thing he has gotten much better at in the last month, is predicting what will set off very strong emotions, which gives him a bit more warning for when he needs to escape a situation.)  


He can ask someone nearby to use their house. Leareth can hang out in there where it's quiet and venture out when he wants.


Vanyel avoiding Stef is definitely the most convenient thing for him. Hopefully both of them will find the concert distracting.


The concert is in fact distracting enough that Stef mostly forgets to try chasing Vanyel down! Quendi music is amazing and he wants all of it right now.


Vanyel eventually reaches out to Maitimo with Mindspeech. :I, um, realized I have no idea where I'm sleeping tonight: 


Do you want a place where you can smuggle Stef or a place where you unambiguously did not do that.


:Umm: Vanyel cannot tell if he's being teased right now except that it would seem out of character for Maitimo to tease him. :The latter, please: 


We've got a block of guest rooms at the palace, two blocks from here. I can start showing people over there now.


:That would be good, I think everyone's getting tired: 


Then he will show everyone over to the guest rooms and explain how the plumbing works and wish them all a good night. Vanyel and Stef are in rooms on the opposite end of the block of guest rooms.


Stef is suspicious that this is somehow on purpose but whatever. Probably Vanyel is not interested in him. Vanyel has never been interested in him and it's very unfair. 


He can arrange Stef some compensatory time the next day hanging out with his brother Macalaurë, who was singing in the concert and who is exceptionally good at singing even for a Quendi.


And he can head back to Leareth's in case he needs help sleeping.


Leareth is exhausted and also unendorsedly nervous about sleeping in a strange place. 


"I can stay, and sing, and if you have a hard night you can beg off the morning pretty easily, it's mostly just meeting more of the Noldorin excess of princes."


"Thank you. I appreciate that." Yet again he feels like he is asking way too much. Maybe by tomorrow night this room won't feel as unfamiliar and it'll be fine to sleep in. 


"I'm not actually sure there's anything you could ask that'd be too much."


Leareth isn't sure what to say to that, so he just smiles tiredly and lies down. (He misses his magic. Before he used to instinctively puts wards on any space he was sleeping in for the first time. But he's got his shield-talisman and Vanyel is nearby and this is peacetime, that's really all he can ask for.) 


And he can hold him and sing him to sleep. 






Can't make it tonight, I have work. - helping Leareth sleep.


Important work.


Yeah. Uh, Vanyel likes a boy who came through with the delegation from Valdemar. He was very obvious about it but I don't think most people are equipped to notice. I thought about what to tell him but - I realized I had no idea, actually.


Another person in his King's administration?


I'm not sure how they're all set up formally? But not one of the heralds, a friend of Vanyel's nephew. With one of those singing gifts. They were staring at each other. I'm not - I don't have to say anything, right, Vanyel hasn't asked for advice, it just bothered me that I didn't have any idea what I'd say if he did. I think he could get away with it.


I wouldn't know enough about Valdemar to guess there. He could get away with it here, probably. People wouldn't be impressed, but - 


He's an alien, he saved the world, he's our source of interdimensional transit, he could get away with murder. 

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