Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"So, basically, wait 'til he's genuinely alone?" Pause. She presses Verve's button and says, "As soon as you believe you can do that without anyone noticing it or finding it strange, bob your head a little bit twice if Thorn ever goes into his room alone, thrice if only rarely or almost never, and shake it a little bit once if never."


Verve bobs her head twice.

"Then we wait," she sighs.




"'re you holding up?"


"I'm managing."


"Is there, erm, anything I can do to help?"


" what?"


"I don't know," she sighs. "The mortal world has 'therapists' which are people whose job is helping other people deal with trauma and stuff, after this is done I could maybe hire one for you... Or, I dunno, talk, or maybe I could get you chocolate. I mean, I suppose talk isn't very feasible while we have to keep our eyes glued to the screen, but..."


"What do therapists do? What's chocolate for?"


"Well, they mostly talk to you about stuff and see how you're doing and help you develop healthy ways of dealing with trauma or some mental illnesses like depression—I'm not sure if plain speak translates the nuances of that word. As for chocolate, it's a type of food made from a seed that—how much do you know about mortal biology?"


"Almost nothing. Healthy ways as opposed to?"


"As opposed to bottling it up or having post-traumatic stress disorder or something. Which I don't think you'll do, but, like, sometimes it helps to just talk about the thing and stuff, to make it feel less bad. They spend, like, years studying this kind of thing, how people's psyches are affected by different things and how they deal and how to guide people towards good ways of not letting trauma affect their lives more than they want to."


"I don't see how talking about it would help."


"Well, I'm not a therapist, I don't know exactly what they do, but as far as I can tell fairy psychology isn't on the whole different than mortal psychology, so I don't expect therapy not to work."


"Well, I do not prefer to work through my distresses in public."


"It's not in public, it's only with the one therapist, and they are legally prohibited from sharing any information about the patient with anyone else. They also take an oath to that effect. But anyway, yeah, I'm not gonna push it, just, you know, a thing I wanted you to be aware of if you wanted it."


"The quantity of supervising strangers isn't the meaningful difference between public and private."


"Fair enough," she nods. "Anyway, er, about chocolate, basically it makes mortals produce certain chemicals in our bodies that tend to help with feeling bad. Erm, it's a lot more complicated than that, and I'm pretty sure fairy biology works differently enough that it might not change anything."


Shrug. "If it's a plant I might as well try it."


"Well, it's... Not wholly a plant. It's made by mixing a seed and, usually, sugar, but often also milk. Shouldn't be hard to find chocolate without any milk in it, though."


"That sounds nicer."


"Are fairies unable to eat non-plant food, or just unwilling...?"


"I imagine I could swallow it. It certainly wouldn't kill me. It might make me sick, I don't know, but it just seems really gross."


"Huh. ...I wonder if after this is done I'll be able to find amongst Thorn's ex-vassals someone who'd want to help me run experiments."

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