Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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Blurs it is.


Blurs it is. The audio's still awkward, and it turns out audio distortion doesn't really work on fairy voices until the point where they're completely incomprehensible—plain speech is just understood—and that's a step too far in Mortal's opinion, they do need to detect if anything weird and not related to the awkward happens..


Well, Sand and Eveningstar are mercifully not actually talking very much? Or being loud?


Okay, not too bad, then.


And it doesn't go on forever; they're interrupted and sent off to do things.


And they're watched in secret as they do that.

Well, Sand is. Not Eveningstar.

Sand goes about his chores. He is occasionally checked for tampering.

Man, Thorn is really paranoid, isn't he. Mortal could almost admire him if he wasn't terrible. Orders are belayed as appropriate, and every now and then renewed just to be sure.

Sand almost slips something by once but the fairy checking him doesn't notice.

Eventually, he cleans Thorn's room.
And the invisible traps and surveillance devices are set in appropriate corners.

"Are you ready? And in the end should we do stopthensayyourname or sayyournamethenstop, do you think? I hope there are enough bullets there... I hope he hasn't thought of a way to circumvent this. Could he have created wards specifically for darts? Could he have found us out?"

"Hasn't had enough time to develop, let alone opportunity to test, novel ward forms. - I think, I think something would have been different by now if he noticed... and I'm leaning stop first, you don't need the 'then' that way."


"Yeah, not to mention that if he has anything he can activate he won't be able to. Stopsayyourname, okay, good, this will have to be our mortal hireling 'cause he has our names but yes okay."


"Yeah." Deep breaths.

She sends the mortal a message to that effect.

And then, once again, they wait.

Thorn doesn't show up for a long time.
Which gives time for anxiety and nervousness to turn into bordeom and then turn back into anxiety and nervousness.

"He's onto us. Is he onto us? Verve and Sand aren't acting weird, they've evaded questioning. He's not onto us. Is he?"

"I don't think so. He may take months to show up at this specific court," Promise says levelly. "Especially since your mother isn't at it."


"...right. Right. This doesn't mean anything. Okay." She sighs.


She shakes her head a bit to clear it. "This is nerve-wracking."


"I know."


"The worst part is that we can't really—stop. We can't slip, we can barely talk because something might be going on that needs our attention, and this. Is. Booooooring."




Sigh. Watch the screen, because they must.


Watch watch.

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