Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"The problem is that the more vassals we get, the harder it is to keep the lid on, and we need to be very careful here." Button. "If you wanted to give Sand an invisible object about the size of a marble that he had to insert into his ear as well as instruct him to act in such a way as to minimise the possibility that anyone would find out about this object, what would you do?"


"I might just stick it in his ear and threaten him."


"And could you arrange to do that quickly and stealthily enough that no one else would be likely to notice?"




"What factors affect your likelihood of success?"


"What orders he's under, what he thought I was doing and what his opinion of it was, whether anybody saw me."


"Assuming I can order him once he has the object in his ear, do you believe you'd be able to pull this off without being seen by anyone else?"


"Unless there's surveillance fairies I don't know about."


"Suppose I could inform you of the locations of any surveillance fairies you don't know about?"

"Then if you order him fast I can probably do it."

"How are you going to find the surveillance fairies? They're probably tucked away, not jut invisible," says Promise.

"Hmm, good point, I was thinking of an infrared camera noticing invisible fairies... Well, presumably any surveillance fairy would have to poke their head out to actually surveil? Unless you mean something else by tucked away?"


"Behind glass, maybe, would it see through that? Or an invisible piece of wall?"


"Glass has its own thermal signature, actually, it's not transparent to infrared, and presumably an invisible wall would be as visible in infrared as invisible fairies are. They would be transparent to radio waves but no one's managed to make radars sensitive enough for that yet, and fairies are invisible to ultraviolet. Why would they use an invisible wall, though?"


"If glass were hard to come by."


"But I mean, why use a transparent barrier like that at all? Expectation that we'd use something like an infrared camera? We can certainly detect invisible walls by just comparing the infrared image with the visible light image, and just avoid suspiciously positioned glass locations in general."


"...because the surveillance fairy is indoors intended to supervise the outdoors," says Promise, "they don't need a more complicated reason."


"Do we need to worry about a fairy supervising the outdoors, though? Presumably Verve wouldn't need to do anything noteworthy outdoors."


"We don't know how many surveillance fairies they might be or what they'd be monitoring."


"Right, yeah, I just mean, we won't necessarily need to worry about all possible surveillance fairies. And given that Verve doesn't actually know whether they're even there, they'll have to be unobtrusive enough to not be noticed."


"Most people don't have infrared detectors."


"Yeah, but they do walk around, any invisible walls will need to be positioned in out-of-the-way places, and conversely invisible walls in out-of-the-way places are likely to contain surveillance fairies."


"I'd imagine tucking them under an eave or something - you know fairies can be very small, right?"


"Yeah, Verve did mention one the size of her hand. In infrared, anything that emits heat really stands out, though." He opens a feed from one of the infrared cameras looking into the room they're in. He presses the button: "How long do you usually stay around in any one court site?"


"One to ten days."


"What determines how long you stay?"

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