Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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Good thing the batteries in those traps and devices last a long time, and Mortal packed spares if need be. They ought to be covered for as long as it takes.


Thorn takes a long time to show up.

But two months after they caught Verve, in he comes.
Ducking finally.

He's made sure his mortal hireling has been called upon somewhat unpredictably so they wouldn't grow lazy, and now they're there, ready and waiting to say the words and mean them. Mortal and both fairies are awake, him on coffee to make sure he'll lose nothing.

The trap is ready—bullets and darts will stream at him until a dart penetrates, but it will only start doing so once Promise releases a button, to make sure they won't accidentally capture the wrong vassal. Mortal himself has his hand on another button, one which will send his hireling a buzzer to indicate he ought to start ordering.

Their attention on the screens showing the views of Thorn's room, they wait for him to walk in.
He doesn't go to his room right away. He checks on things. They have to belay orders for Sand (Verve's gone to another court by now) and bite their fingernails while he quizzes Harp on whether she's seen anything -

- and eventually, Blossom on his arm, he goes to his room.

...yeah, they said they'd wait until Thorn was Blossomless to do this, so no activating traps for now. "Verve said he spends around a month in a court or something, didn't she?"


"About. Maybe less because your mother's not here and she's probably still his project and might be inconvenient to move."


"What does he even do with his—no, sorry, ignore what I said."


Promise doesn't answer.


Yeah, probably not a good question to ask an ex-project. Besides, he mostly has an idea. "I'm... very sorry you had to go through that."




Back to watching, then. The cameras have different angles of the bedroom in sight, and the speakers are in different locations, though deactivated for now. The traps themselves are in yet other locations, not moving, enchanted to be soundless and invisible.


Thorn and Blossom: also awkward to watch.


Given Thorn's proclivities, probably more awkward than Sand and Eveningstar. But them Mortal doesn't dare blur.


"I'm going to go wake Yellow early," Promise says after a moment, and she goes and does that and takes her sleep shift.

He nods in acquiescence but doesn't say anything. This... is probably pretty triggering, considering. Yeah.

Doesn't seem to bother Yellow that much.

It's really hard to tell if Blossom's having a good time or not.
Presumably she is but if it turns out she's not she'll be freed from Thorn's clutches if their plan works. But Promise did say she was one of the most loyal vassals, so...

(And yeah this one's full awkward with none of the other thing.)

Eventually he's done with her for the time being. They leave his room.

And now, more waiting until Thorn is alone. And keeping an eye on Sand.

Thorn is not in his room without Blossom for a while.

Sand annoys Thorn in some unrelated, trivial way and earns himself half an hour with the torturers. If all the torturers' orders are belayed it will be pretty obvious that he's not holding still when told and such. Pick and choose.

On the way to the torturers Mortal tells Sand to act exactly as if he were obeying their orders, except in such a way that minimises risk of discovery of them, this device, etc etc like they phrased before. He'll also order Sand to, at his earliest convenience while still minimising risk of discovery, attempt to retrieve another device such as this one from the invisible bag that's still stashed in the corner. He can rescind that order if the half-hour of torture doesn't destroy the one Sand's wearing, but better to have this precaution just in case.


They don't pay attention to Sand's ears. Stroke of luck.


Is Verve doing anything attention-worthy or can he ask Yellow to take a twenty-second break to go wake Promise up?


Verve is in another court listening to someone sing.


Then can Yellow please wake Promise up and inform her about the orders Mortal gave Sand and see if she has anything to say about them?

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