Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"So we order her right now to pretend to obey this kind of order in a way that won't bring attention to us, and then when we belay the order she'll revert to that?" he asks Promise.


"That's the idea. It's very timing-delicate but not as much as a longer sentence."

"Yeah. Very good phrasing, I like it." He presses the button again. "Unless otherwise specified by me, do your sincere best to ensure no one you do not know to be my vassal will have any reason to suspect any details of my plans including the fact that they exist."

And if there are any loopholes in that...

The fairy doesn't say anything.


"I'm kinda worried that she hasn't pointed out any loopholes yet and am not sure whether I should take that as meaning the orders are good or she's just doing her best not to think very hard of them right now."


"Or she's not very smart. It could be all three."


"Are you avoiding thinking of loopholes?" he presses the button to ask.




"There we have it," he sighs to Promise. "In general, try to think of loopholes in my orders. Are there any in the orders I've given you so far?"


"I haven't thought of any."


"Okay. Next, what's a distress code?"


"If I say it it's a signal that I'm compromised."


"What is it?"




"Under your current orders, and assuming we find a way to prevent another fairy's order from taking, would you be able to use this distress signal?"


"I don't think so."


"Are there any more contingencies you know about or whose existence you suspect?"


"I suspect there are more but I don't know what they are."


"Can you think of any other questions about that or ought we move on?" he asks Promise.


"I think this is as solid as we're going to get."


"Next is names, particularly in the court you were going to. How's it set up, and whose names do you know?" Pause. "And by the way, what do you prefer to be called?"


"Mirror is the site coordinator and the place often has Rainfall there for major sorcery. Patch runs torture and Treecreeper helps, Mesmer runs the library, Harp and Songstress and Delight are midlevel incidentals, Awesome, Windy, Poplar, Deciduous, Eveningstar, Trance, Endpaper, Scribe, Enlightenment, and Sand are low-level post-project fairies permanently assigned to the site. Others of about my description may be there at any given time. I know names for Delight, Awesome, and Sand. I'm Verve."


He writes it down on a separate text file. "Tell me their names and describe me them in sufficient detail for me to recognise them if I see them."


"Delight is a moonbeam dancer, only one in the court. Her name's Rithamu. Awesome is a mushroom hopper the size of my hand, bright red wings, Ereastarning. Sand is a shrubly, all over beige, Tsewimmetho."


He writes the names down but not the descriptions, because it'd be rude, but the conversation is being recorded anyway so that's more-or-less moot. "What can you tell me about the security procedures?"

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