Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"Could be someone who has my name as well."


"Yellow doesn't have any sufficiently reliable claims to catch a fairy, and your name may not have propagated to all the same people as mine."


"Yeah, I know, but that's part of the reason why I hired another mortal to say things into a microphone when I ask them to."


"Well, I can mix in something from them too."


"Yup, that's what I've been thinking. And also I asked them to tend to a little bean and take care of it and make sure it doesn't die."


"A bean? That doesn't sound very juiceable."


"Does it need to be juice? I figured they'd provide regular juice and blend bits of the bean or beanstalk or whatever with the juice."


"It doesn't have to be juice but if it's not a thin liquid it might not inject right."


"If they cook it in water the resulting soup should work, though, presumably? This was just an idea I had to give them more of a claim on the food, since beans grow pretty fast, I don't expect it to make much of a difference anyhow."


"Yeah, something leached out of the bean into water should do it."


"So... I guess we should go do that, then."


"Yeah. Guess so."


"Okay. But, er, there's still some stuff I don't have. Specifically the more sensitive various detectors with the shooting rig. They'll take a week or two to arrive."


"And gate placement has to wait for the better radar. Okay."


"No, the better radar I already have, what I don't have is long-distance infrared, long-distance motion detectors, and some custom stuff that will use the combined information from all of those detectors to acquire a target and shoot it."


"But I should place the gates now to give them time to settle?"


"Yeah, and so we have time to make sure there won't be any problems like weird fairyland interference with signal or what-have-you. And leaving cameras, radars, and sonars there, as well, to see what information we can get from the comings-and-goings between courts."


Nod. "Let's write it all up so I don't forget what I'm doing and have no reference -" She has paper; here it is.

"Yeah. I'll still be with you via camera and mic, but writing it down is a good idea in case that fails for some reason."

The setup of the surveillance part of the plan, then, goes thusly:

Step zero: make juice and mix it all up, and put it in dart guns. Promise will be equipped with at least one of those, as well as an actual gun, plus the radar.

Step one: Promise goes through the gates to the spot where the original gate to London was. Using the radar, she finds the closest location to the closest court she's comfortable with, with as few obstacles between that location and the court as she can get. Up in the air is probably ideal.

Step two: she opens a gate from there to safe house 1 (the one in Greece).

Step three: she finds the second court, and does the same to safe house 2 (the one in Russia).

Step four: she finds a point between those two courts and creates a gate there.

Step five: she goes through one of the gates, and returns to her tree.

Step six: after the gates have settled, Mortal sets their equipment up to be partially through each gate, monitoring the locations.

Step seven: monitoring! Specifically, monitoring routes between the two courts, collecting information on any patterns in message delivery, and any other precautions Thorn may have taken they haven't thought of.

And most of the two following weeks will be spent on step seven, as Mortal continues to receive various delivered bits, and they watch and watch and watch.
Promise comes back from her errands a little subdued but otherwise fine. It's a little hard to find a radar-friendly vantage point on the second court, which is built up against a cliff, but she manages it.

Fairies travel in one direction or the other between the courts every couple of days.

And did Thorn, in fact, make them start going invisible? In groups? With any degree of unpredictability?


Well, the radar can't tell whether they're invisible; it'd see them either way. They are mostly in pairs, but apparently some of them are still trusted to go alone.

And the ones trusted to go alone are probably the best at sorcery and best warded.

And eventually Mortal arrives at Promise's tree smiling and says, "We got everything."



"So, should we try to capture one of the probably-better-sorcerer-and-better-warded lone fairies, or try to take down the probably-not-as-good pairs?"

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