Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"Hrrm... We're going to lose contact with this court soon, but we still have the radar near it to detect who comes and goes."


"Unless they find that. But yes."


"If they get near enough we can just pull it back into the mortal world, they'll have to go through the gate and then their sorcerous protections will be gone."


"Them finding the gate would be really bad."


"It wouldn't be ideal but I'm not sure what they'd be able to do with the information, especially when they wouldn't necessarily even be able to actually return to fairyland to spread it."


"If they go missing as soon as they find it that narrows down where it can be."


"No, I mean, in general, I'm not sure that them knowing where the gate is changes much of anything, their sorcery doesn't work at all in the mortal realm and we have terrain advantage here with all the security systems I got installed. We could pile up unconscious fairy bodies."


"We don't have a noise trap."


"...I think we're talking about different things. What I expect to happen, if a fairy finds one of our gates and goes through it, is that the security system I have installed in the empty rooms will neutralise them because all their wards and invisibility and whatnot will go away as soon as they step through."


"If they find it they can yell through it without stepping completely through, or guard it so we can't go out that way."


"Well, none of the three gates open to here, but hmm I should deactivate microphone relay from those rooms..." He starts doing that on the computer. "But yeah guarding is a problem. But... in any case, an unlikely one, it's still an invisible spot in the middle of the air fifty miles away from the court."


"Yeah. I know."


"Anyway, is that the plan, then? Get Verve out, invisible her, have her trap him between courts?"


"I don't think we'll come up with a better plan in time."


"Not before Thorn ensconces himself somewhere and stays there, and that place will probably be wherever my mother is so just destroying it won't work," he sighs. "Anyway. I'll defer to your expertise, get Verve now or see if the secret can hold up 'til tomorrow?" he asks, gesturing at the screen with (what's left of) the court's feed.


"...Now, I think. Or, not this very minute but as soon as nobody with her name is paying attention."


"How about 'as soon as you sincerely believe you can do this without being stopped or followed, leave the court and travel towards the spot where I left you, then wait there for further orders'?


"Lets her potentially make detours, doesn't oblige her to hide from and avoid anyone she meets on the way."


"Wouldn't the 'being stopped or followed' take care of anyone she meets on the way? 'Being stopped or followed by anyone at any point in your journey,' maybe? As for detours... 'travel with maximum haste under these constraints'?"


"No, you said she should leave when she believes she can do it without being stopped or followed; she could encounter someone mid-journey that way. And can't ever be in a state to reasonably expect that's out of the question. Haste doesn't guarantee directness."


"Alright, so, 'as soon as you sincerely believe you can do this without being stopped or followed, and taking the fastest route to your destination while avoiding being detected, leave the court and travel towards the spot where I left you, then wait there for further orders'?"


"Avoid being detected while otherwise prioritizing taking the fastest route to your destination," amends Promise.


Button-press: "As soon as you sincerely believe you can do this without being stopped or followed, and avoiding being detected while otherwise prioritising taking the fastest route to your destination, leave the court and travel towards the spot where I left you, then wait there for further orders."


Verve, obviously, doesn't react right away. There are other fairies around.

Of course. She'll be watched anyway.

And the other court?
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