Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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They're converging on Sand now. They find his bugs. The bugs are removed.


"And now we're blind," he sighs, pulling up the window with the transmission from the radar near the court, much less interesting to watch.


The radar shows fairies in indistinct motion.

"Alright, so, in the meantime we should probably strengthen the plan. Sand will reveal Verve's involvement but by the time Thorn can do anything about it Verve will be gone and effectively impossible to find without resources Thorn does not currently have, but the obvious way this still fails is if Thorn leaves to some other court and we don't know which. How do we deal with that?"


"We know Blossom isn't in the same court Verve's in or Sand's. That narrows it down but not enough..."


"...we could have you or Yellow follow their entourage invisibly."


"Yellow. He may not have Yellow's name and has no way or reason to have recently obtained it if he didn't get it centuries ago."


"Yes, good idea, so we make him invisible, then he hangs around the court—" He turns to Yellow. "Maybe catch a wink before? And you might be around a while, we'll need to think of something with respect to food." He turns back to Promise. "Verve shows up here, we send her to whichever court Thorn is in, then... what? Do we besiege him? He probably has enough sorceren that we'd need to bear quite a lot of force for anything like that to work... If the court Blossom's in isn't the one my mother's in he might yet leave it, though."


"It's possible that he will threaten your mother to get you to go away."


"I won't go away if he threatens my mother. She is not the only person being tortured there."



"Besides, it's not like it's a very meaningful threat, when otherwise he's just going to keep her for much longer than a human lifespan being tortured and then kill her."


"We don't actually know what he's planning to do with her."


"I... have kinda given up hope on getting her back. Two months watching Thorn, I—" He falls silent.


"Verve shows up here. We send her to camp out near whichever court Thorn chases Blossom to, with Yellow along as a scout, he's fast in the air and Verve isn't really. When Thorn comes out, and he will eventually, she attacks him with the large phone thing to stop him and get his name."

"Yeah," he shakes his head and sighs, then focuses on the task at hand. "How will they deal with food? Foraging? Is there a reason why Yellow himself can't also use the large phone thing, as added precaution?"


"Yellow should also have a large phone thing, good idea. We could rotate them."


"And I'm thinking of different, faster ways to video orders than sign language. I'm not sure how they'll interact with plain speak, but..."


"Writing only works if you see the writing process. It's slower than sign."


"Yeah but I'm thinking about ways to fiddle with the writing process, like, does typing count? What about stamping the words on paper? If typing works, would copy-pasting it work? What if I wrote separate letters on paper and then organised them as words afterwards? Stuff like that."


"I'm betting typing doesn't count but we can check. Stamping - maybe. Word assembling maybe."


"Stamping would be really cheating, I'm not sure you can sign faster than you can hit paper with a thing full of ink."



He turns the screen on on another computer and opens an empty text document. "Let's test typing?" he says, gesturing around to let her.

(And being filled with some trepidation.)
...She blinks at the keyboard.

"I don't know how to type," she says.
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