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Thanks. She pockets it. What I should probably do as soon as possible is make another one, and then I don't have to be so careful about this one.


"That does sound like a good idea. How long does it take you to make one?" 


Not that long but I ideally need people to sit with me and contribute mana for it.


"I don't mind contributing! Can probably find some other people free tonight. Er, I assume mana isn't quite the same thing as our usual reserves, when I used the earcuff it wasn't noticeably draining." 


Yeah, it doesn't seem to be the same.


"I'll ask around. Only seems fair, you're being really generous letting us borrow this one." 


I like being helpful.


Grin. "I can tell!" Tran glances at the window. "If that's all, I should go, I've got another commitment." 


Yeah, that's all. Keep it very safe please.


"Of course!" He nods to her and then darts off. 


She swings by the healing house to see if they have anything they really can't manage that she can clear out in a few minutes.


They don't have anything they can't handle, exactly, but there's a backlog of a dozen-ish patients with varying non-critical but uncomfortable injuries who otherwise won't get treated for ages. 

...Aber tells here there are also a few people who've wandered in hunting for the 'god-touched miracle woman' who they heard can restore limbs, and have insisted on waiting around all day. 


Uh, I'm a little worried that if I start talking to them they'll keep me here through dinner and I really wanted to turn in early. Did they say what they wanted exactly?


"Judging by the missing body parts I noticed, they want a repeat 'miracle'?" Aber suggests. "Up to you if you feel like doing that – I'm not sure if it's harder work for you or something. You certainly don't have to answer any of their questions." 


It's actually not harder as long as I have people to draw from but I might need more per person if they need multiple applications.


"Mana's not something we use for our Healing, right? If you can only draw it once from each patient, but they need two applications, we've got..." he thinks, "...eight people you could pull from? Three senior Healers and five trainees. Not sure if youngsters have any less mana?" 


Kids'll have a little less but not enough less that I can't do each person with themselves and one more contributor.


"All right, then, we've only got, I think four miracle-seekers, so should be covered. Rest of the patients should only need one application, right?" He shrugs. "Er, probably you should take into account that if you do put their limbs back, they'll tell their friends and we'll have twice as many tomorrow– Melody?" 


"Bella? It is you!" The Mindhealer bustles over to them. "Wasn't sure you'd be in today, weren't you up in the night for that emergency? Anyway wanted to know if you're coming in tomorrow. I probably have patients for us–" she stops and corrects herself, "well, for me, and you can help out if you feel like. But I do need to know a specific time if you're available." 


How about after lunch, Melody. And I don't mind gradually running out of amputees via there being fewer amputees rather than by convincing them I'm really stingy. I'm just here for a few minutes and then I'm going to eat and go to bed early.


Melody agrees and writes down the time, and then Aber calls in a trainee to set Bella up in the big open room again and line her up with patients. They do the recently-injured first, and then the miracle-seeking amputees. Another man minus a leg, and there's a little girl missing her arm from above the elbow, but the other two are just three fingers and an ear, both lost to frostbite. All four other trainees show up and hover, ostensibly to offer mana, but clearly eager to watch the process (not that there's much to watch, really). 


She draws mana; she casts; she runs through everybody in less than ten minutes and then excuses herself to get dinner and sleep.


Vanyel is, unsurprisingly, not at dinner. Savil is deep in conversation and doesn't appear to notice her. A few Heralds she doesn't know give her sideways glances, but no one approaches to talk to her. 


That's okay. She eats fast and skedaddles home and winds down, not sleeping because she has to help Vanyel but quietly practicing Valdemaran vocabulary. Looks at her watch now and then.


It's closer to a candlemark and a half after sunset that there's a very, very gentle and tentative knock on her shields, clearly intended to avoid waking her in the scenario where she's already asleep. 

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