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boots yells at lancir
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"Neat!" Shavri studies it for a while in fascination. 


Bella eats with her other hand.


Shavri finally seems to remember where she is. "Oh! I have to be at the House of Healing soon." She quits poring over the watch and starts shovelling food into her mouth instead. "...All right I'll see you around!" And she's off. 




Nobody else in the dining hall seems inclined to make a bid to talk to her. 


Then she will spend her morning hanging out in the relay room analyzing her earcuff and taking a lot of notes on it so she can iterate on the spell.


A Herald she doesn't know comes in at some point, politely asks if she's Bella, and asks if he can borrow the earcuff back to send a two-minute relay message to the eastern border. Aside from that, no one disturbs her before lunch. 


She can analyze the earcuff fine while it's in use! That's even helpful, actually!

She falls into a routine: research, healing, Vanyel.


Things go pretty smoothly at the House of Healing – each day does bring a few more amputees, but the daily number never goes above five, it seems like word can't get out fast enough to cancel out the fact that there are a limited number of people in Haven and its surrounds missing limbs or other body parts. They probably have opinions about how she's a spokesperson for some god – Vkandis is the popular option, for some reason – but Gemma usually lines them up in a room somewhere and has a trainee sweep them by fast enough that they can't really pester her about it. 

Melody occasionally asks if she's up for taking a patient for therapy. None of them are nearly as, uh, interesting as Vanyel. Lancir does not try to bother her again. 

Vanyel is consistent with sleep and diligently does all the practicing-lucid-dreaming exercises and is tentatively pleased that, being less sleep deprived, he can do slightly more things and mostly not be miserable about it. He's still of the opinion that this is not nearly enough things and he should feel bad about it. 

The Heralds are delighted about the earcuff and both Tran and Vanyel now get almost every morning off, since there are a dozen other Heralds with enough Mindspeech to use it, and the mana used isn't especially draining for their overall reserves. 

Nothing else noteworthy happens. 


Bella will take some less-interesting patients as long as there isn't the Herald conflict sitting there unresolved, and try to help Vanyel do more things and not feel bad about doing fewer things, and put him to sleep, and heal amputees, occasionally disclaiming that her powers are not divine in nature in case the gods around here are the sort who don't like people claiming to be acting on their say-so.


And then at some point a few weeks later, early enough in the morning that she hasn't left her room for breakfast yet, a Mindtouch slams into her shields without actually bothering to knock first. :Bella did anyone call you yet?: 

Permalink What?


:There's a fire: He's being sloppy with directional shielding and Bella can pick up a flash of dirt road rushing by, wooden buildings on either side that look somewhat more decrepit than the ones near the market, and there's a dull pall of smoke ahead. :Looks bad. Can you help?: 


Yes. Where?


:Uh, west of the city, Exile's Gate district. Don't think you can miss it though. If you fly it'll be visible for miles from the air: He drops the connection and, presumably, focuses on moving. 


She puts her boots on and jogs outside and rises into the air, looking west.


She can't see the fire itself from the ground, but there's an impressive plume of smoke. 


She accelerates. There'll be people around on site to pull from; she doesn't conserve mana at all, speeding toward the fire.


An entire row of rickety wooden buildings is on fire. Judging by the burning fragments strewn everywhere blocking the street near one end, the cause of the fire seems likely to have been some sort of explosion. 

There are white horse-shapes below and white-clad bodies. Presumably, one of them is Vanyel. There's a bucket brigade, not that it's enough to make nearly enough difference.


:Bella is that you look out to your south–: A fraction of a second later, there's a loud cracking sound and blue-hot fire blooms in midair about half a mile away, for no apparent reason – but, far below, the flames on half of one of the rowhouses whoosh out. :Sorry! Is there a spell you have for putting out fire?: 


I have a water blast spell. What in the world did you just do? She comes in for a landing at a jog, passes as many people as she can on her way into the fire's range and vacuuming mana out of them indiscriminately.


:Uh, abused a weather-barrier spell, can explain later – how blasty is the blast, should I get people out of the way? Also warning you there are still people trapped in there. Thoughtsensing reads about fifty, mostly in one basement in the middle: 


Yes, I can tell. It won't hurt a healthy person if it hits them but it could knock them over. I'll aim away from the minds - do you have anything to stop the building from collapsing?


:Not strong enough to hold up the entire building–: embarrassment, :but if you give me thirty seconds I can weave a force-net for the one where most of the people are, roof might come down but can hold the ground floor together: Pause. :Hopefully. Never tried to support that much weight before: 


Okay, do it. It doesn't have to hold long, just enough to get them out once it's not burning in there.

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