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boots yells at lancir
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:On it. 'Fandes is warning the other Heralds: A couple of white forms move in her peripheral vision, nudging people out of the way. It's a very long thirty seconds. :Ready: 


Bella gathers mana and gets ready to blast the building.

When Vanyel gives the word she sprays water, hard, out of literally nowhere, at the base of the flames, left, right, left.


The fire is burning pretty hot, but the fourth or fifth blast has the flames mostly out. The roof, already a skeleton of charred rafters, half crumbles in, and one of the blackened walls is leaning at an angle now, but true to Vanyel's word, the floor above the basement of people holds. 


:Bella I hope you've got a plan: Vanyel sends, strained, :can hold this another - minute or two - not sure how much longer...:


Yeah. Going in. She goes in, already grabbing mana from the people downstairs, almost-flying so the breeze of the air manipulation prevents the smoke from suffocating her, marking her path with magic lights so any walking wounded can come out on their own.


A couple of people move toward the newly-marked exit, one of them even tries to grab a neighbour, but most of them don't. The basement is packed, based on what's left of the interior decor this building was an inn, plus it seems to have ended up hosting the inhabitants of probably-a-shop-of-some-kind next door, linked to it at the ground level. It's not as smoke-filled as the main level but it's pretty smoky; everyone is as close to the floor as they can manage, random items of clothing over faces where doable, all of them are alive but not everyone is conscious and most are dazed enough not to have actually noticed her presence yet. And it's not like the visibility is great either. 


She can't haul these people, she isn't strong enough. She starts wading through them and healing whoever looks like they could carry somebody. Get up! Get out! Follow the lights! Now now now, building's coming down!


Now movement is happening, there's some confusion but the people she heals react to the urgency in her voice, and some of the first round out are coming back for a second trip – some of the limp bodies are children and at the very least they're lighter, one big man is somehow wrangling three at once to the hands waiting at the top of the cellar-door ladder, and now she's down to maybe a dozen people left–


:Bella how much longer do you need?: Vanyel's mindvoice has a gritted-teeth feel to it. 


Thirty seconds if these people will GET UP AND GET OUT OF HERE heal heal heal heal heal.


They're healed but they're confused and that slows things down slightly, but they are getting up and getting out, big man is back giving people boosts to get them up the ladder faster, and now the last pair are on their way up and–


:Bella get out NOW I can't hold it–:


Bella seizes the nearest person, hauls them onto her back, and flies out.


Vanyel somehow holds it for another ten seconds or so and the last people are scrambling clear, and then the building groans and the wall topples the rest of the way and then the floor implodes. 

There are still flames happening to either side, but there are no minds inside, or at least none left. 


I need more mana.


Vanyel takes a few seconds to answer; he sounds very tired. :Don't know who you grabbed from on the way in but - can be anyone right? Not just Gifted?: Pause while he thinks :Passed message - 'Fandes will herd some people over, Heralds helping, how close do you need to be?:

A white horse-shape is already approaching, nudging a knot of very bemused-looking bystanders; Yfandes stops them a margin of twenty feet or so back from the fire. 


Boots jogs over, circles the bunch of people, takes some off Yfandes too. Then she can put out the rest of the fire and circle back to heal the rest of the people.


It's been long enough that some of the Healers have caught up – Shavri seems to be one of the first there, she's shouting things at people, trying to organize the wounded into more and less severe, she's able to point Bella to the worse-injured cluster first. No one's in imminent danger of dying but third-degree burns are pretty miserable. 


Bell accepts triage direction till everyone's taken care of.


Eventually everyone is taken care of! 

Vanyel drags himself over and sort of flops against the nearest not-previously-on-fire wall. "Bella, are you all right?" he says faintly. "I'm - so glad - you're around - would've been so much worse... M'sorry I didn't call you sooner, assumed someone else had." 


I'm sooty but okay. Thank you for calling me.


Vanyel nods and then winces, and lets his head sag back against the wall. "M'glad we got the people out. S'good." He closes his eyes.


Shavri spots Bella, runs up to her, and hugs her. "I'm so glad you were here! That was amazing – I saw you shooting water from nowhere, that was you, right?" 


Yes. I didn't invent that spell for firefighting but it works!


"Huh!" Shavri glances around, maybe to see if there's anything more useful she should be doing, and then turns back to Bella. "What did you invent it for?" 

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