"I do a lot of mage-work too. Shielding on rooms, artifacts to protect important people, building, demolishing old buildings, paving roads... Lots of things." Half of which he ends up asking Savil to cover – Vanyel cringes slightly in remembered embarrassment.
"Um, and most Heralds are out on circuit. Visiting all the towns in an area, er, seeing court cases where the defendant wanted to wait for a Herald, sometimes investigating themselves, helping townspeople fight off wild creatures or bandits, rescuing people from the same, fixing local infrastructure... It's actually really rare for someone who's my age and a mage to be in Haven. The only reason Tran's here is because he's an incredibly strong Mindspeaker, for the relay," Vanyel still seems mostly calm at this point, "and, um, because he - got hurt - when Tylendel–"
Abruptly, he covers his face with both hands. "Sorrycanyoupleasemakemecalmagain–"