Raafi in Revelation
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"- the end," she says. "Okay, there's Hal in the corner for your art class! Draw me cats, everybody!"

"I WILL DRAW DOGS," says a little girl.

"You do you! Can I help you?" she asks Pelor, setting the book on the return cart.


He smiles fondly at the children as they go, and then at her. "Hello, ma'am. I wanted to stop by and see how you're doing with the magic, and if you have any questions for me."


"Oh! Uh - are they called the words you use to cast them, or something else -"


"Usually just that."


"Is there a way to get more of them? I run out of them every day, word got around, people want guidance for their resume-writing class and then I'm out of the little healing spell for the kids' scraped knees, I usually have enough of healthful rest for everybody down at the house who needs it but I'd really like to be able to keep a sanctuary ready for emergencies..."


He nods. "That will happen with time, if you keep using them. And-" he hands her a large pearl that he wasn't holding a moment ago. "You can store a spell in that to use another day."


She inspects the pearl. "...I'll... attach this to my lanyard somehow."


He considers for a second and offers her a spherical locket with a clasp big enough for the lanyard and a cavity inside big enough for the pearl, carved into the shape of a sleeping cat with a lighter sun image in the dark wooden fur of its back. "How's this?"


"Adorable! Thank you."


"You're welcome! Is there anything else you wanted to know? Or anything that needs doing, while I'm here?"


"Is this... usual? Do you do this a lot?"


"Giving people magic like this, or visiting? The answer is no in both cases - I'm very busy, most of the time, and clerics are better for most purposes."


"Oh. ...what purposes?"


"On your side, clerics are more flexible, and slightly more powerful - you'll get more spells with time, but you'll only ever have those specific ones, and clerics can request any divine spell they're aware of. They also get a few extra powers, depending on the relationship they've developed with their god; we skipped that, you and I, and there's not a way to do it later, though you will get a few minor powers that they don't, eventually. From my side - this comes up very rarely, but I can rescind a cleric's powers if I need to; I can't, with you. It calls for much more trust to do it this way. And it's a bit unfriendly, to give someone magic without warning - we didn't have much choice, in this case, we couldn't get to this world at all without more of an anchor than we had."


"Oh, I was pretty confused but I didn't mind."


He nods. "I did try to choose people who seemed like they wouldn't."


"Will I still have it when I die?"


"Mmhmm," he grins. "Your afterlife system here is very nice."


"It's taking some getting used to!"


"I'm sure. Is there anything I can do to help with that? Keeping in mind that it's not a primary interest of mine, so I might not be able to do very much directly."


"Ways for folks to come home would be nice."


He nods. "That might need to wait until Fharlanghn is in better graces and a better mood. I'll talk to him about it, though."


"Anyway, I need to get home and make dinner. It was real good of you to stop by, come around the library any time."


"Thank you. Feel free to call on me if you need anything - one of the features of both clerics and favored souls is that it's easy for me to hear you if you speak to me. Though I am very busy, like I said." And he moves on to his next stop.


This one is having an argument with someone about whether healing spells are "period".

"Look, buster, angels aren't period either, but -"

"They are! There's evidence of summoning as early as thousands of years ago, there were summoners during the period."

"Well, look, there's literally Pelor himself for some reason, hey literally Pelor yourself, were people casting Cure Light Wounds on people over sword related mishaps six hundred years ago?" says the favored soul.

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