Raafi in Revelation
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"Something like... what? I'm pretty sure it's something in the genre of limited personal growth that you can fix if you shape up, we don't believe in damnation or anything like that."


This gets a fond grin. "We generally try to help with that, too. I suppose it might not be your personal calling."


"I try to be helpful but I wouldn't have gotten that dramatic about it, you know?"


He shrugs.

"There is something else I should mention before I go, if you don't have any more questions for me - you might hear it mentioned that saying my name allows me to see a location but only praying to me gets my attention; that's true for most people but as a favored soul I'm much more aware of you in general. It still won't be as reliable as if you did pray, but if you need my attention you can try saying my name, it will work if I'm not too busy. Repeating it also helps."


"Good to know if I ever need the cavalry."


"And you can email if you'd like me to talk to your bishop. Thank you again." He nods and goes.


The daevologist Boccob favored is looking through a microscope at a slide while an angel waits in the corner.

"Uh," says the angel.


"Is this a bad time?" he asks the angel quietly.


"Bad time for what?" says the daevologist. "You can put the packages on the side table, the green one."

"It's not a delivery person," says the angel.


"I'm here about the magic you were given recently - if you have any questions about it, especially."


The daevologist sits up. "Oh! I have a list." He finds his phone under some papers on the counter. "Do you have an email address or a TapTo account -"


"I have an email address but you might do better to talk to Boccob's church for the details of the spells," he chuckles. "They won't know as much about your type of spellcasting, though, Boccob hasn't favored anyone in millennia."


"...well, do they have email?"


"Magic mirror is the state of the art for us, I'm afraid." He gives him one. "I'll bring the other side to them in an hour or so."


"...that's a terrible state of the art. Oh! I wonder if Kev will be able to conjure through the mirror!"


"I can stay for a few minutes to try it, if you'd like. Did you have any questions for me, though?"


"Uh, how did you get in here? It's a restricted facility."


"Favored souls are visible to the gods that favored them, and it's possible for us to share a limited amount of that awareness with each other - just enough for me to teleport in, in this case. He won't visit, he doesn't pay attention to his clerics as a rule or leave his library under remotely normal circumstances."


"Okay... Oh! Another question for you. What's the unifying principle behind community and healing and the sun? Also, do you discriminate between stars based on some characteristic, or are you actually just a god of stars?"


"Stars without people nearby are much less interesting than ones with, but you could reasonably say that I'm the god of stars, yes. There isn't a unifying principle; it's possible for gods to diversify as they grow. I started out as the god of the sun and added healing soon after we started having people and communities when the first mixed-species ones formed."


"Why did you and not a god of some non-sun thing diversify in that direction?"


"There were fewer of us, and I was the one most interested in filling in the gaps we were finding - I invented clerics, too, for the first while we only had favored souls among mortals. It's gotten easier for new gods to form, since then, and we've learned how to help them along, and that generally has better results than trying to diversify very far outside our specialties."


"Better results how?"


"New gods start with intuitions about their domains; if we diversify into something we get that much less strongly and have to learn about it over time instead. It's also risky, trying to diversify. Not many things can kill a god but that opens us to the possibility, for a while."


"How did you invent clerics?"

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