Raafi in Revelation
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"See you!"



The next day, after rounds, he checks on the auctions to see what's popular and heads back to Oerth. That afternoon, Pelor announces that the diviner's order is ready to begin monitoring for the daeva released from the GCP.


They get an email from the governor of Tosche Station asking about how good these protocols are because he's under a lot of pressure to stop detaining all the angel cultists on his station in zero gravity.


The order should detect any of the daeva who make it to this realm within ten minutes at the most - quite likely less - and will announce it immediately with photos of the location and summoner if they can identify them, which is likely. The order itself isn't prepared to field a response - he's still working with various people on arranging that - but Pelor himself will under normal circumstances be available to respond within fifteen or twenty minutes and should be able to send the daeva back.


What's the timeline on improving that? the governor wishes to know.


At least a few weeks, more likely a month or so. Possibly longer if more magic needs to be developed but he's trying to avoid that; if that does happen he'll consider recruiting more gods to be on call, though this will also need to be handled carefully.


Can they be contacted for quicker turnaround if someone notices a jailbroken daeva? Will they respond to incidents with daeva never before captured?


Pelor will respond to incidents as severe as those that the GCP was holding daeva for, even from other daeva. They don't need to contact the diviner's order for that; people can pray to him directly. Several people praying together are more noticeable than individuals.


Can he maybe take some sort of priority email setup in case someone has a thing about graven images.


That doesn't work, the prayer itself is what makes the location one he can go to.


They've heard Raafi can use pictures, he can't do that?


He's not a god of travel, no.


The governor doesn't personally have a thing about graven images but he should watch out for religious discrimination suits.


He takes this to Ramona.


"...yeah, you do kind of have a problem there if you can't provide this unique and essential service to people of certain religions. Can you just say 'stating your name' instead of 'prayer'?"


"That's not as effective, but it does work," he nods. "I suppose it doesn't help anything that their beliefs don't matter to me at all?"


"Not a bit."


He looks thoughtful. "I understand that there are people whose religious beliefs don't allow them to be healed by daeva, and obviously they have worse medical outcomes because of it. How is that handled?"


"That's different because the religion prevents receiving the service, not requesting it. They get whatever human doctors can do."


"That seems like a strange distinction to make. Is there a way to talk to whoever decides these things, before it becomes a problem, or is that a bad idea?"


"There are a lot of judges in the world and you don't get to pick one, that'd be interfering with the courts. You can retain a law firm - you should, if you can, but they're more expensive than us or your malpractice insurance - but they'll tell you what puts you at risk and they'll try to win if it goes to court, they can't stop people from suing you by deciding that actually it doesn't discriminate on the basis of religion."


He nods. "I'll talk to Raafi about it."


"I'll try to find you an interested firm."


"Thank you."


Later, when he finds a slow moment, he begins visiting the locals he and Boccob favored.


This demon of Boccob's is concluding a video recording. "And so that's my verdict: nametags are not a conjurable ahh who the fuck are you and why are you in my house you ruined my take."

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