Raafi in Revelation
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I'm sorry, I'll try to remember not to refer to them that way.

He's interested in their approach to disasters that primarily affect stigmatized groups, not their attitude toward that particular one.

Again it matters if you are talking about eg Quakers vs eg 22nd Century Baptist Revival

Can you make some suggestions about what I might need to research in order to be able to ask reasonable questions about this?

I recommend my book Queering Abrahamic Religions

I'll read it, thank you.

Why could it not have been a world full of gnomes. Ugh.

He orders the book and gives it a quick skim, planning to get back to his classwork and read it properly while he's back in Oerth.


The book is dense with summaries of how various sects of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism handled assorted queer people during what the book identifies as an "explosion of identity politics".


Yyyyeah he'll read that later.

Classwork and dinner and sleep and devotions and rounds and then it's time to go meet the chiplock demon.


The chiplock demon is in her lab dissecting a brain!


He's really not sure what he was expecting. He stands quietly out of the way until it seems like he can get her attention without wrecking what she's doing.


"I'll be with you in a moment," she says absently. After a while she sets down her work and goes to a sink to wash her hands. "M'darling says you want to figure out how to put chips in a dozen more kinds of brain! It took long enough the first time, you know."


"I don't, actually! I don't know how much you keep up with the news, I've only been in the world here for a couple of weeks. But a dozen might be a conservative guess, in the long run, my world has lots of kinds of people."


"So the trouble here is that daeva are like humans. Brains are all matchy-matchy, wings or no. Put it in the same place where it works for me and it'll work for you. So I could try a million iterations on me or m'darling and dissolve 'em when they weren't right with no trouble about it. Haven't got any gnome daeva."


"That is a problem," he nods. "I don't think it'll take long, your afterlife system grabs us just fine, but longer than we'd like unless I find a really adventurous volunteer. We do have healing that I expect will handle it just fine - it's just a little thing, right, and the magic handles arrowheads even if they're grown in if you hit them with something strong enough - but that's pretty expensive, our magic is limited. How many tries do you think you'd need?"


"Oh, probably not as many as last time but last time was actually almost a million, I'd do little tweaks, I had a whole team helping and bunches of test subjects, we had to update over the decades with the state of the art in crypto and radio."


"All right. We definitely can't do a million, I don't think I can even commit to a thousand right now. Fortunately I am looking at gnomes most urgently, and they're the most adventurous common species this way; I bet I can find at least a couple of volunteers. Is there anything you'd want in them? Gnomes are very curious, mostly."


"Well, they need anatomically normal brains."


"Does that mean something more complicated than 'make sure they're pretty healthy before they die'?"


"It means if they have some weird brain mutation I can't promise you chipping them will help anyone else of the same species. I don't know if gnomes get brain mutations."


He considers. "It would surprise me less than most species, honestly, their god doesn't like making things simple. Is there a way to check?"


"I mean, I can conjure their brains, I have been, that's a gnome brain over there. Just tell me who you find to volunteer and I'll have a peek."


"All right. I'm going back to interview wizards tomorrow unless something comes up, I'll swing by the gnomish quarter and see if I can find anyone."


"Sure. If I'm not here don't wander, just come back later."


"Of course. Or I can write, if you'd rather."


"M'darling'll be peeved at me if he has to relay lots of mail."


"Fair enough. I'll see you in a few days then."

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