There are a few giggles still in his system, but eventually he recovers enough to sit up. "If I tell you, you'll punish them, and then they'll come after me harder and I won't have time to concoct my revenge," he says, and giggles some more.
"Sure they must," he agrees reasonably. "So I'll punish them when I come up with something sufficiently hilarious!"
He thinks about it, then shrugs. "Okay, then I don't remember who it was. I didn't see them very well, etcetera."
Sadde giggles some more and starts collecting his stuff again. "Can you help me with this?"
"You know, I found some very innnnnteresting things in one of the books I borrowed from the library," he says innocently.
"Did you know," he starts conversationally, "that the Philosopher's Stone also produces a thing called the Elixir of Life?"
Picking stuff up.
"Apparently the guy who originally made it lived to see 665."
"Yeah, apparently it's really hard to do and/or the guy's instructions are fake or incomplete. No one has been able to do it ever, and now the guy's dead and the Stone's destroyed."
"The book was really vague about it, but apparently the guy wanted to destroy it? To avoid tempting other people? And because he was 'ready to move on'?" That last part is decorated by air quotes.
"Yeah, I was gonna try to find some after Defence but then that jackass Arens decided turning me upside down was a funny idea." Pause. "Well, he was right, but he could've had better timing."