"Also I have a probably broader definition of fun than most people, what with the whole trickster vibe I got going on here."
"I know the incantation if you want to try the dancing hex - or it might be a jinx, I don't remember - but I don't know how to undo it."
"Yeah, you'd probably have to dance your way to an older student or a teacher to get it undone."
"Yeah, I think I'll just be surprised when someone decides to hex or jinx me randomly. It's bound to happen, eventually."
"Oh cool, we have Charms together again! And I have fffllllyyyyiiiing that must be so much fun!"
"I kinda really wanna hit evil metal balls with a bat, whyyy don't they let firsties play Quidditch?" he whines.
"Yeah. But you'd probably want to learn to fly a little before trying to play anyway, wouldn't you?"
"No, Harry Potter was just really good from the moment he touched a broom, I think? But, you know, he's Harry Potter."
"You know, I've been putting off getting books on the war and him but this lack of cultural context is really starting to get old."
"Mostly because I wanted to go to all other classes and see if there wouldn't be any other things I'd want to read books on first so I could prioritise better. Other than Flying, I've had all classes, though, so it's Transfig and War for me now, I guess."
"I'll probably try to check something out at the library after lunch. I'll also get a book about the Philosopher's Stone, I wanna know if there's anything useful I can learn about breaking magic's rules."