Okay, sorry, Vallis's partner, it would be nice if you could keep all this love just because in theory love is infinite, but it's not infinite enough that it won't get Chelsea killed.
Random person who left the waiting room a few minutes ago. Copy. Paste. "I don't think it's safe to trust your 'partner', let alone wait around for her."
Fair point, he met her barely a week ago.
"Mm, yeah okay if you're worried about people allying with the group chasing you she's definitely not the first person I'd go to for help."
Oh, she won't.
Anybody who would have been going to cross their path mysteriously has other business, pinned with indecisiveness behind whatever door they were thinking of popping out of, till they reach her car. She gets in the driver's seat, which does alas occasion letting go of Panacea's hand.
"Makes sense - could pick somewhere randomly on a map? Or just choose a random direction and drive I guess."
"You could check the glovebox but I don't know if there's a map in here." She's picking a direction! She's driving!
Oh wow, how did he go this long without mentioning his name.
"Lucien. Though maybe while we're actively running away I should use my cape name too? Since it's a sort of cape related activity."
"For flying under the radar a cape name - and a cape costume - aren't really low profile." She can reach over and brush Panacea's hood down from her head without looking away from the road.
Panacea 'accidentally' leans back into the hand.
"My family didn't exactly give me a choice about my name being under the radar - I can try to think of something new?"
Chelsea really is the best human being in every conceivable way.
Maybe there's a way to anagram her name or something like that but less obvious.
"Maybe I should have a nickname too. Only the only one I can think of is from my last name and somebody bad might know that."
Elsie is probably too obvious...
"I'm having trouble thinking of anything I like. Sadie or Sydney maybe?"
Chelsea said 'those' are cute not 'you' are cute, so why does she feel like this anyways.
"Do you want to pick one, maybe?"