And once Lucien's feelings about Chelsea and May are fixed, Glory Girl is going to step just barely in to range, electrocuffs rigged to disable her if she's mind controlled to try anything, and Chelsea should do the same copy paste from Heartbreaker to her.
Fine. Fine, whatever.
Everything was fine back in Kansas. Nobody even noticed. She is an infinitely better neighbor than Nilbog.
She misses Afton.
And then, after Glory Girl has stepped away and Panacea, Lucien, and Weld have left the area via a helpful self-driving truck, there are some questions for Chelsea to make sure they didn't miss anything egregious. They know about the hospital waiting room but fixing people's opinions about random strangers isn't worth the risk.
Dragon sedates Cherish - Birdcage transport will take a bit to get this far out and even longer to get to the prison given that she's too risky to transport on a highway and they'll have to use backroads. Still, not so long that Cherish can't be unconscious until she's safely locked away.
Lucien curls up in the truck, trying to figure out whether any of this was his fault.
"Depends what you mean by the whole time. I arrived on the scene with Dragon et al. - Imp stop it you are giving me way more backlash than I need to guide him."
"She was very nice to have around in the bed and breakfast, I'll give her that. Seven out of ten would go on a stealth mission with again."
Aisha smiles.
Shit no, May will think they're becoming friends or something. Better give her another eye roll.
"I certainly hope not. Espers're supposed to be slaying monsters, not kidnapping each other across state lines with mind control."
A tree crashes down, the van swerving to avoid it only for the falling tree to inexplicably swerve too - falling to crush the hood of the van. The driver falls unconscious a moment later. There's an alert sent out - one of Dragon's suits will be on there way.
The tree, massive and sturdy, twists around the van like a tentacle, ripping most of one side of the van off entirely.
The base of the tree opens up, a figure stepping out and towards the prisoner.