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sick of my career
Lucien, May, and Chelsea make new friends
Permalink Mark Unread
"Oh boy. Lucien, do you have any idea what your power does yet."
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"I think I can tag people and do something transportey to them? I can also use my normal power in dungeons without worrying about property damage."

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"Make sure you know where the prisoners are first, but yeah. Try your esper power on me real quick?"

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Lucien taps her, and then transports her to him through the kitchen table.

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She winds up in his lap. "Okay, useful for evacuating a dungeon but with any luck this one people'll be able to walk out of. Where's Morton Towers?"

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"Downtown Brockton, similar drive back - think Transit would pick us up?"

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"Let's find out." She texts Rete. "He'll be here in five."

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"If you two finish up early enough you are both welcome to come back and spend the night here. Or return tomorrow if that works better."

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Lucien takes the opportunity to hug his parents goodbye.

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"Do I need some kind of makeshift mask situation?"

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"Oh, fair point, I have my old back-up one on me but not my usual one."

They can do some hurried arts and crafts about this.

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Hurried arts-and-crafts later they can go meet Transit out front to get a ride to the Towers.

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A tall figure in a terrifying spider silk costume meets them outside.

"Dungeon's a maze of smooth tunnels full of rolling slime spheres - some of them have people who seem to be breathing fine for now. Some of the others are acid and I can't tell if those have people. We have some people who know first aid and a doctor but no proper medical team yet."

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"Ugh, my power's not good for getting people out of slime spheres at all. It's normal that they're not suffocating, but they might not be doing it by breathing, dungeons can keep people alive when they wouldn't normally be."

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"I can maybe do slime spheres? Or at least make it easy to reach in if that's fine."

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"They're still breathing in and out, and there's oxygen in the spheres and not just CO2."

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"It still might be helping them survive, if there's slime in their lungs."

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"Nothing in their throats but might be in their lungs I can't tell. Should we be armed?"

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"Yes, I don't know if bullets will bother slimes but there could be more than one kind of monster."

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Then they can briskly walk down the hall and into the apartment to the left, which is open on account of the door being broken down by a passing slime, and then there's a key in the sock drawer and a gun safe in the closet.

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"I don't actually know how to use a gun personally and this is no time for me to learn."

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"Tunnel Teen? Have you picked a better name yet."

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"Vallis. I can shoot a tazer and a ray gun and in theory I know how a gun works. I don't want to fire a gun near people but if I get a very clear shot I'm probably non-zero useful with it."

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Vallis can get a handgun and Skitter will take one and ammo for them both.

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May will grab a knife.

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And into the dungeon.

"Largest concentration is that way - second-Lorica do you have a cape name and can you do further recon."

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"Haven't picked one yet, and yeah I can run around looking at stuff while it can't see me."

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"Temp name or should I just call you Second?"

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"Is Traceless taken?"

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"We can check later generally and use it for this dungeon. Can you report on the left tunnel - should be a curvy hallway with small side rooms with some slimes throughout and hostages in some of the side rooms."

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"Acknowledged." In she goes.

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There is the promised pathway with translucent slimes, colored green, blue and yellow. They each contain what looks like a brain inside of them. The yellow and a small number of green ones appear hollow and sometimes contain hostages. Getting closer to the blues causes May's backlash to increase faster. Numerous ordinary-looking bugs litter the walls and flit through the air, some caught in the slimes.

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"What'd you need me for if you've bugged the place," mutters Traceless. She counts hostages and keeps going till she found a dead end.

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"CAN'T SEE WHAT'S INSIDE THEM," say the bugs.

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"Each ooze has a brain, the captives are in the yellow and occasionally green ones, the blues have I think more senses than the other colors because they backlash me faster when I'm near 'em! I can point out the ones with captives as I go - there, there, that one -"

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"CAN YOU POINT AT A FEW OF EACH COLOR," the bugs request when she's done with that for the slimes in view.

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"Green, green, blue, yellow yellow yellow, 'nother blue."

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"Do you think it's safe for me to cut open a yellow one and take the prisoner out of it?"

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So May takes a knife to a yellow slime with a guy in it.

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It closes back up around the cuts she makes quickly enough that this is difficult, but if she stabs the brain it'll deflate and stop doing that.

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Yeah, she tries stabbing the brain after cutting it doesn't work. When the guy's carved out she picks him up - does he seem inclined to stand -

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He does!

"Thanks what the hell where is this."

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"Evil pocket dimension, they're a thing now. Let's get you out of here." She escorts him out the portal, flying him past oozes if necessary.

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Taylor and Lucien can start clearing oozes themselves - his power isn't able to break them but he can make furrows that intersect near the brains, exposing them enough that bugs can take them out.

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"The acidified people might need to be in the hospital as soon as they get out. Do you think you might be able to, like, pull people not to you but to another person you tagged, if I go to the hospital?" May asks Lucien.

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"I don't think so - I might be able to have you tag other people and I can go to the hospital and pull them there?"

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May holds out her hand to the nearest person who may have been listening to this conversation. Even though it's Skitter.

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"You're tagged - can I test a pull."

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He is successful.

"Pretty certain I'll be able to tell whether someone is pullable - should I go to the hospital now?"

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"In 5 minutes you'll have a ride there, until then you help us clear the dungeon."

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May can go back to stabbing slimes in the brain.

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It turns out the green ones explode if poked wrong - Taylor blocks most of the resulting acid slime with a wave of bugs but Lucien still ends up with a burned ankle before he leaves.

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Fortunately he's going to the hospital anyway. May needs to learn to handle a gun.

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Chelsea looks like she belongs here, and if she doesn't, then yes she does anyway.

Where is Panacea?

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Treating a bunch of patients with acid burns in the north wing. 

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Panacea doesn't look up from the person she's treating when Chelsea arrives.

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That's fine. Bonesaw's work doesn't deteriorate instantly. She wasn't a Load Bearing Boss.

Panacea has a sister, right? Right. Rummage rummage. Copy. Paste.

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Well, now Panacea is looking at her! She's still healing the guy but all of her attention is on Cherish.

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"Oh, don't let me interrupt, I can wait."

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"Um, if you say so." She finishes up pretty quickly without making it too obvious that all of her attention is still on Chelsea even if she's looking rather patient.


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"Do you need to do more of those or can we step out for a moment?"

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"We can step out for a moment!" Panacea says, without really thinking over the question. Her heart beats a bit faster as she walks outside with Chelsea and she's still focused on her with an intensity that would normally require constant pushing on Chelsea's part.

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It feels gooooooooood to be loved. "I need help. I've had some Tinker work done - I never sought it out, the Tinker and her crew showed up in my hometown to make trouble and I've only just gotten away from them, but I don't know how long it'll hold up without maintenance."

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"I can help, of course. Did you let Mom know about the group?" She holds out her hand for Chelsea to take - not touching her herself because that's the rule she decided on - if Chelsea can touch her than she'll wait for Chelsea to do it rather than doing it herslf.

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"I really just want to put that entire chapter of my life firmly behind me." Handclasp.

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Nod nod, Panacea isn't going to read too much into the words or pay attention to how she's a little turned on nope she is just paying attention to fixing up Chelsea.

"Oh wow there's a lot here - I can make it leave your body? Though uh. Some of it's in your brain and I don't do brains."

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...turned on, interesting. "I think some of it's helpful, or would be if anyone were looking after it, but I certainly can't hope to understand it myself and if you think it'll be safest out of me I trust you. Can you tell how long the brain installations will last without hurting me?"

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"I think they might knock you out if you're in a lot of pain? But aside from that - a couple of weeks, maybe? There's reinforcing mesh around your organs I can keep from going wrong I'm pretty sure."

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"The knocking me out when I'm in a lot of pain thing is recent. I had a cluster headache that wouldn't go away and all she wanted to do about it was torture me more, it took so much work to convince her to put me out and that was how she did it. The headache is gone now, though, so - I guess I have a couple weeks to - live? What will it do when it breaks down?"

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"Um - oh. It will. Make you unable to sleep until you die, I think." Panacea is so so torn up and arguing with herself about this.

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"Oh. And you can't get it out, you're sure?"

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Panacea bites her lip.

"Um. I-I. I don't know if I can stop if I touched brains." Especially Chelsea's.

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"...you don't know if you can stop?"

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"I have rules I set for myself." But those rules weren't supposed to end with Chelsea dead

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"Well I certainly don't mean to do you any harm by asking but it sounds like an awful way to die."

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"...can you make the original tinker fix it?"

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"She's dead."

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"I'll do it."

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"Thank you."

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Panacea smiles back wanly, happy about the thanks despite herself.

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"Do you need a while, should I wait till you're done with regular patients for the day?"

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"It'll only take a minute to do that part, I think."

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"Do I need to sit down or anything?"

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"If you want?"

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She sits down, still holding Panacea's hand. ...she hasn't introduced herself and should find a smooth way to do it, if she just says what her name is out of nowhere people sometimes realize they feel a weird amount of interest in someone whose name they're only just learning. "I told myself, Chelsea, all you've gotta do is go to Panacea, she'll straighten you right out."

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Oh her smile...

It takes only a few seconds, in the end. A trivial fix compared to what she does on a daily basis.


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Chelsea gets up again. Brushes some of Panacea's hair behind her ear. "I don't know how to thank you enough."

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Panacea has some ideas.

She doesn't have any visible reaction to the hair brushing because she has practice with ignoring this sort of casual touch, but it's very obvious from her emotions that it's something she desperately wants, and wants more of than she can ever get.

"It's no problem."

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Chelsea hugs her.

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She is not reacting weirdly about this soooo hard.

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"The organ mesh, does that need to be handled today or can it wait? I could come see you again."

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"It can wait."  Huuuuuug. She is enjoying this hug the maximum amount without letting it show, hugging back harder than she is being hugged, or burying her face in Chelsea's hair to smell it or anything weird.

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It is SO good to be loved. She will stand there hugging Panacea as looooong as she wants.

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The rules don't say Panacea has to end the hug so she isn't going to.

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Then they might stand here hugging for a weirdly long time in this hospital breakroom.

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They really might.

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Eventually a nurse is sent to look for Panacea.

"Um. Panacea?"

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"There are some patients waiting..."

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"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep anybody waiting." She lets go.

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Panacea will sadly return to helping patients then.

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Poor sad Panacea.

Chelsea finds a lobby to wait in.

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One of the patients with an acid burn hangs out in the same lobby while he waits for May to finish up, trying not to blame himself for this mess.

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There's enough people in the lobby that it's not marked for her to sit down right next to him and -

- ooh?

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Huh, when their elbows touched it felt sort of like touching May...

"Excuse me?"

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"Uh. Have you by chance had a week of a terrible medical condition recently - or that you're in the middle of I suppose."

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"...why do you ask?"

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"I think you might be an esper - a new type of cape basically. Um, sorry if that was very terrible for you," Lucien adds, trying to figure out how this is his fault exactly.

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"What does it mean if I'm an esper?"

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"You have powers, using them generates backlash which is what you have a lot of for a week before you get your new powers. Backlash can be removed by contact with espers, especially compatible espers which I think we are moderately. Though during the initial week there's only so much you can do with guiding."

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"...and there's no other way to get rid of it?"

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"No. I'm sorry."

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"Is that why you're in the hospital, because you have backlash?"

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"No I hur-was getting people from a dungeon - an pocket dimension that kidnapped them - and bringing them here using my esper power. I do also have backlash from that so if I seem self-centered or wrong about things that's why."

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........she was willing to tolerate some waiting around for Panacea alone. Panacea's eager to be caught, which makes sense considering that Chelsea reached for "sister" and got "lovestruck". This guy she has a short window of time before he becomes less willing to mistrust his observations.

"Are you done with that now?"

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"Yeah, I'm waiting for my, uh, partner, to come and pick me up."

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"Your partner?" Rummage. - wow.

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"Or, uh,  friend. Guiding partner." Possibly he shouldn't discuss his relationship status with a stranger while backlashed.

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"When do you expect him?" Come on, correct her.

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"Her. Uh, maybe another hour? Or not if she blames me but that's probably backlash."

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"And you're not hurt yourself at all?"

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"Not compared to other people?"

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"Oh, if you're even a little hurt you've got to get it seen. I know Panacea, that's why I'm here - what's your trouble?"

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"It's a minor burn, I'm fine really there are other people who need Panacea more." People he hurt.

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"Well, she's very quick, she'll have them fixed up in a jiffy and then she can get to you."

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"I'm really okay, she should prioritize people who are actually hurt."

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"What's your name? I'm Chelsea."

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"Vallis." He's still in costome.

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"Are you new, I don't know the name."

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"I used to go by Tunnel Teen."

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"Oh, well, the new name's an improvement."

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"Yeah, it really is."

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"Where'd you wind up getting burned?"

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"Oh, well, if you can't walk I can go get Panacea for you."

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"I can but I'd really rather not waste her time with it."

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"Oh, come on, you saved a bunch of people and need to be in good shape to go do it again next time."

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"I'll be fine."

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Ugh. She wanted the light touch but it's not working.

Come on, isn't he tired and run-down and anxious and - "If you're sure."

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He is! And it's his own fault and he shouldn't make it Panacea's problem. 

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Restless, trusting - "I'm not a doctor, of course, but if you've got that 'backlash' thing are you sure you're making good choices?"

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"Oh, hrm..." That is a fair point and probably he should do something about the ankle. 

"And you think if I weren't I'd be getting treated by Panacea?"

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"If your partner were here with her ankle like this, what would you tell her to do?"

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Well, when it's put that way it is sort of obvious.

"Okay, yeah, I'd tell her to find Panacea like all the civilian victims - she's in the north wing, right?

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"I can go get her!"

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"Uh, if you say so."

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"You just stay put, you don't want to walk on that foot."

Off to find Panacea.

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She's more than halfway through healing the acid victims at this point.

"Oh, hi Chelsea."

She has definitely not spent the past fifteen minutes reminiscing about hugging Chelsea. 

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"Hey, when you're next between patients there's a hero who looks half about to leave without getting seen at all for his burned ankle, he might need some persuading so he doesn't keep his partner waiting when she comes to whisk the both of them off into the yonder." Wistful yearning, not that Panacea really needs the push.

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The wistfulness mixes with the desperation in a way Panacea is already very familiar with.

"Oh, of course. I can go and heal him ....now, all done with this patient."

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"This way, he's in the lobby." How about Chelsea visibly almost leads her by the hand and then thinks better of it.

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Panacea's hand twitches and she conspicuously controls her facial expression so as not to let the spike in longing show.

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It's okay, Panacea, just run away from all your responsibilities to settle in a small town in the middle of nowhere with Chelsea and all your longing will be rewarded.

And here's their third wheel. Chelsea comes up behind him to put a hand on his head, fingers dipping below the hairline, doesn't that feel nice? Isn't that soothing? "This is the one."

The other people in the lobby are going to start leaving now. They're impatient and going to go look for their doctors, fretful and going to go check on their sick loved ones, have decided they hate the stranger next to them as much as they hate their worst enemy and want to be in a different waiting room -

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It really is soothing, if awkward and a bit out of nowhere from someone who isn't May.

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"Do I have permission to heal you?"

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"Yeah, I guess."

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She can touch his hand and- oh Chelsea's touching is doing such a thing to him. She can almost imagine it doing that to her...

Healing. Yes. There is ankle skin to fix.

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The last bystander's out of the way now.

So she's covered if Vallis does anything sudden in response to feeling about Chelsea the way he does about his partner, then.

Copy. Paste.

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"Panacea already knows about this but I'm actually in pretty serious trouble and need help," says Chelsea, sliding her hand down to his neck for more coverage. "There's some supervillains who may be after me - the worst one who tortured me is dead but I'm scared of the rest of them. I need to get out of town, but if I go without a backlash partner, or without Panacea to help with anything the biotinker left behind before she died, I won't make it very far.

"Come with me?"

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"Oh wow, uh. Of course I'll help - why don't we just fight them here? The Undersiders will probably help, or the Protectorate."

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"I don't think that'd go very well."

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"Oh.... Are you sure?"

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"I'm very sure." Trust her.

How's Panacea doing. Would she be doing better if Chelsea held her hand.

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When Panacea manages to notice anything beyond how they are holding hands she notices how touching Tunnel Teen is making Chelsea feel. She is not going to do anything about this but she could and if she did Tunnel Teen would have such a bad time of it and since she's touching Tunnel Teen it's very easy to imagine what it would look like.

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"I've got a car. I don't know how much time we have."

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"Hrm, I was supposed to wait for-"

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"You've got to be able to respond to new emergencies as they come up, mustn't you?"

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"I really think my partner will be able to help us and she'll probably be here relatively soon? I can text her a place to meet and we can pick her up there if we need to move right now though uh, I think there are Protectorate or New Wave members on standby to intervene if there's an attack here since it's a hospital and Panacea works here - right?" he asks, looking to Panacea for confirmation.

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"Chelsea can be a bit hasty but so long as she's taking us with her I'm sure it will be fine?" Panacea says, resolutely ignoring her own mild confusion in favor of focusing on the feeling of Chelsea's hand in hers.

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Okay, sorry, Vallis's partner, it would be nice if you could keep all this love just because in theory love is infinite, but it's not infinite enough that it won't get Chelsea killed.

Random person who left the waiting room a few minutes ago. Copy. Paste. "I don't think it's safe to trust your 'partner', let alone wait around for her."

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Fair point, he met her barely a week ago.

"Mm, yeah okay if you're worried about people allying with the group chasing you she's definitely not the first person I'd go to for help."

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"Yeah. I want to fly under the radar. Ankle all better? This way."

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Lucien follows.

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Please don't let go of her hand...

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Oh, she won't.

Anybody who would have been going to cross their path mysteriously has other business, pinned with indecisiveness behind whatever door they were thinking of popping out of, till they reach her car. She gets in the driver's seat, which does alas occasion letting go of Panacea's hand.

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Panacea has perfectly reasonable and proportionate feelings about this.

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"Where are we headed?"

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"I don't have a town picked out yet, I want it to be hard to predict where I'd wind up."

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"Makes sense - could pick somewhere randomly on a map? Or just choose a random direction and drive I guess."

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"You could check the glovebox but I don't know if there's a map in here." She's picking a direction! She's driving!

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No map.

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Drive, drive, drive. "Do you two want me to keep calling you Vallis and Panacea?"

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"I'm not actually a fan of the name my family gave me. Panacea works fine."

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Oh wow, how did he go this long without mentioning his name.

"Lucien. Though maybe while we're actively running away I should use my cape name too? Since it's a sort of cape related activity."

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"For flying under the radar a cape name - and a cape costume - aren't really low profile." She can reach over and brush Panacea's hood down from her head without looking away from the road.

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Panacea 'accidentally' leans back into the hand.

"My family didn't exactly give me a choice about my name being under the radar - I can try to think of something new?"

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"Sure. Anything you like, the sky's the limit."

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Chelsea really is the best human being in every conceivable way.

Maybe there's a way to anagram her name or something like that but less obvious.

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"Maybe I should have a nickname too. Only the only one I can think of is from my last name and somebody bad might know that."

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Elsie is probably too obvious...

"I'm having trouble thinking of anything I like. Sadie or Sydney maybe?"

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"Those are cute!"

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Chelsea said 'those' are cute not 'you' are cute, so why does she feel like this anyways.

"Do you want to pick one, maybe?"

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"I think you're more of a Sydney. Now me, what should I be called?"

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"Is Chloe too close to your current name?"

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"Hmm, maybe but perhaps that's just what they won't expect me to do. Chloe, Sydney, and...?" She doesn't look at Lucien but it's obviously his turn.

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"I'm- I don't know. Tucker?"

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"Awww, Tucker it is. And we all need last names. I don't think anybody knows my high school boyfriend's last name so I'll take that one, Chloe Cartwright."

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"I can be Sydney Cartwright, I guess?"

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"You want to be sisters?"

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"I mean..."

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"Or married Canadians?"

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Probably this should be an easy choice but she isn't sure in which direction it should be an easy choice.

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"We can tell random people we meet either but should prooooobably pick just one at least for that specific use case."

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"Sisters?" It would hurt to lose that. 

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"Okay. And Tucker?"

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Lucien is confused and vaguely wondering if fixing his ankle did something to Panacea. Or maybe she just needs a day off or something.

"Uh, oh. Thomas?"

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"Perfect." No he's perfectly calm and unsuspicious. We are all fine here.

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Sydney thinks it's sort of terrible but she's not going to tell him this.

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Sydney is entitled to that opinion.


"Is there anything else I should know about espers?"

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"Uh, I already mentioned the basics... probably we should also do some guiding at some point to get me down to lower backlash?"

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"Of course." She reaches one hand behind her into the backseat for him to take.

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"Uh, shouldn't you be driving? Also we can guide each other much more efficiently when we're alone later."

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"I can drive one handed, but sure. How soon do you need us to stop?"

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"I'm feeling pretty fine and can keep for a while."

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"Okay. I don't think I'll be able to relax till I'm at least a couple hours away from the last place anybody knew I'd be."

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"Yeah that makes sense - do we have enough cash to stay the night somewhere?"

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"Yes, plenty of it."

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Well in that case Lucien doesn't have much else to stay - maybe he'll check and see what the news coverage of the dungeon was like.

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omw to you, are we going to yours after?

At the hospital, where are you at?

They're saying Panacea's missing

Where are you??

You've got to be like twice as backlashed as me and I feel like shit, where are you?!
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Wow, that's a lot of texts from her.

He blocks the number and goes back to looking for reactions to the dungeon in the news - seems like it's only being reported on vaguely - probably the city isn't being cooperative with journalists since Skitter and Lucien's involvement is embarrassing but really he'd expect Tattletale to be more on top of getting this covered. 

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He in fact has a text from her, maybe that'll explain why she's busy.

hey whats up

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I'm helping a friend. Sorry, can't say specifics. Will let you know when I know when I'll be back. Sorry about leaving so fast.

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oh a secret friend?

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One who wants privacy right now, anyways.

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Im calling master/stranger alert on how you're acting right now

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Well, if he was calm before he's definitely not now.

Aknowledged, what are your orders?

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"...Let me have your phone, I'm worried it's bugged."

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That's not on the flowchart! He presses send.

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"Your phone. Now. The people I'm running from tortured me, you can get a new phone later." Urgent, urgent, urgent -

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Report about whoever you are with

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Lucien feels extremely terrible about this but he's still going to start typing a reply because his feelings aren't on the flowchart.

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- the phone flies out of his hand and into Chelsea's.

So that's what her esper power is and that's why she's got a headache. It's not a bad headache, now, just a twinge.

She throws the phone out the car window.

And he should be guilty about making her do that.

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He does! He feels really really bad about it and blames himself! 

"Panacea I need your phone, master/stranger protocols."

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She reaches over and -

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- Lucien slumps in his seat, unconscious.

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"Thank you, dear."

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"Of course."

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"The telekinesis is new. I'm an 'esper' now, apparently. It gives me a headache, I guess sort of like Thinkers get - can you solve that? If you can I don't need him and can drop him off somewhere."

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"Probably?" She holds out her hand.

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Hand. "It's not nearly as bad as it was the first time, but it's making me nervous."

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It's not nearly as invasive as what she did earlier anyways....

"Did that work?"

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"Hrm.... yeah I see over there... that?"

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"Still no. I think guiding will probably work while he's out - how long will he be out?"

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"Half an hour, but I can do longer?"

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"Please. Have to get farther from the place we ditched the phone. Are you sure of yours?"

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"Sure of what?" she asks while reaching back and putting Lucien into an indefinite coma.

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"That nobody's tracking it?"

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"Oh, hm, are you worried about my mom tracking us?"

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"I think I'd better be."

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"Oh, well, it wouldn't be out of character for her." 

She hands Chelsea her phone.

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"Anything you want to email yourself real quick before it goes out the window?"

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"No, everything important's backed up."

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Out it goes.

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So what PanaceaSydney wants to do is look at Chelsea's face but that would be weird if it's all she did so she needs something else to do too...

"Do you want the radio on or would it make the headache worse?"

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"I think it wouldn't do any harm, go ahead and pick something."

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She's going to put on country and then Chelsea will probably make fun of her and change it to something she likes after one song.

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Nope. Actually she'll sing along to the third song that comes on.

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Weird but also she's such a pretty singer!

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She's only okay and she only knows the one song of the ones the station puts on.

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Well she's very pretty and singing, so. 

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"Do you have civvies on under the robe?"

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"No, I head straight home after the hospital anyways so it's not really worth it."

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"What if you turned it inside out?"

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"Oh, I guess that would work?"

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"Can you do that in the car or do I need to pull over somewhere? - there's a blanket in your footwell to throw over Tucker."

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"Um. Oh. Stopping would be good."

Blanket goes over Lucien. And then once they have pulled over she can take off her robe. Which she only has underwear beneath. And not be weird about this at all, because this is a normal thing for her to do around Chelsea. 

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It's so normal and she feels normal about it. There are at least not other cars around in this section of treelined highway.

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Yeah, she's not really sure what she was so anxious about.

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And they can peel back onto the road away from the turnout.

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The radio can go back on?

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"In local events, the healer Panacea has reportedly gone missing along with unidentified male and female capes. A search is underway. Listeners are advised to-"

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"...do you work on yourself, you might want to look a little different."

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"No, I can't."

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There's Big Sunglasses in the cupholder; Chelsea hands them over. "Braid your hair, maybe, there's hairties in the glovebox somewhere."

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She can do this!

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"- contact the PRT at 522 or online at www dot P R T dot gov slash Brockton hyphen Bay slash tips. The unidentified capes are to be considered dangerous and the public should not engage them. Once again you can contact the PRT at-"

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"I guess I'm lucky that I haven't been photographed much."

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"Yeah." It's very of people given how good Chelsea looks.

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"- and in other news Legend Lights Up Miami, the sequel to Legend Lights Up Seattle, is receiving rave reviews - 

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Where's a station with music on it.

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Here's some disco.

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That'll do.

"I never wanted to be news."

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"Me either."

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"Before the thing with the supervillains I just lived in my hometown. In Kansas. I like the quiet life, just doing completely ordinary things with my loved ones."

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"That sounds nice," she says wistfully.

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"I want to find another town like that. But it'll have to be - defensible - against the villains, against the heroes -"

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"Against the heroes?"

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"The supervillains who showed up in my town and killed all my friends were the Slaughterhouse Nine. I can't come back from that. If they don't kill me they'll Birdcage me."

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"The Slaughterhouse Nine will Birdcage you?"

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"The heroes will, dear."

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"Because the Slaughterhouse Nine killed your friends?"

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"Hatchet Face came through by himself first and he was hurting me and my friends killed him. They counted that as though I'd done it myself and considered me one of them."

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"Oh, you couldn't refuse or something?"

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"They'd've killed me. Or worse, with the biotinker."

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"Oh... that sounds horrible."

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"It was awful."

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"I'm glad you got out."

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"Yeah. But I can't go home. Home's gone. So I have to make a new home that can stand up to everybody wanting me dead or Birdcaged forever."

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Nod nod.

So, Chelsea was in the Slaughterhouse Nine, under duress but still enough of a member that she thinks people will Birdcage or kill her. Can Panacea look past that? 

...Apparently yes, very easily. Maybe this says something bad about her but that's much better than it pushing her apart from Chelsea.

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Honestly Chelsea was expecting her to need help with that but seems like she's fine! Yay!

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Well, really Chelsea did help. By being so extremely good and perfect.

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After another hour of driving Chelsea senses an extremely angry emotional signature approaching from the direction of Brockton Bay, fast.

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"- somebody's homing in on us. Fast."

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"How? Who?"

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"I'm not sure who, I don't recognize them, but they must have a Mover power."

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"What should I do?" Panacea has basically never been a fight.

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"Try not to let them kill me, I guess. I'm not really a tactics and combat person."

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"Me either..." She helped heal and deal with the aftermath for people who were good at fighting like her -

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"It's not anyone from the Nine, so whoever they are, they probably don't want to hurt you."

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The highway explodes a couple hundred feet ahead of their car, as a person lands with the force of a meteor.

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- sister.

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Chelsea brakes. They're clearly going to have to have a confrontation right here right now, she can't out-drive Glory Girl.

Does she have to un-sister them. She'd rather not but she does not want to die here.

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Glory Girl scans the windows of the vehicles around her, finding the right one, and then runs directly at it, using her flight to push herself faster.

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Chelsea unbuckles herself so she can fling herself into Panacea's arms.

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Glory Girl lands on the hood of the car, denting it. She swings her arm to grab at Chelsea, shattering the windshield in the process.

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Glory Girl's feelings are slippery but maybe she should be scared of hurting her siSTER!

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Mostly she's just real angry but sure there can be a bit of that why not.

"Let her go."

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There's really nothing Chelsea can say that will help this situation. Maybe Glory Girl should be less angry than that.

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"STOP FUCKING WITH MY EMOTIONS BITCH! She punches her hand through the headrest next to Chelsea.

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