Panacea doesn't talk on the way back to Brockton. Or after that, when her mom assures her she'll be setting up therapy to start tomorrow, her dad tells her they're just glad she's safe, and her sister hugs her tighter than is strictly speaking healthy.
She begs off to go and try to get some sleep as soon as she can, knowing she won't be able to. When her head hits her pillow she can hear the crinkle of the adoption papers she found a week ago - showing that her birth father was the villain Marquis. She knows they've been afraid that she'll end up like him. If they knew what she could do they'd be more afraid than that.
She thought that having only one center would make her feel better, but instead she feels even more unmoored than before. She'd broken her rules, messed with Lucien's brain, and seen up close the monster she'd feared she could become. Seen her up close, and loved her anyways.
And been loved back, that much was obvious every moment she was touching Chelsea - there wasn't anything partial or any walls held up. Just... love, with a freedom she could never get from Vicky.
Put like that, the choice is obvious. No rules left to stop her, and a ticking clock till the chance passes forever.
Victoria doesn't need to talk anymore. Panacea's hung onto her every word since they met and if she's going to stop she needs... silence.
She works out her plan as she holds Vicky still - she's been on a birdcage transport before, when ordinary sedation wasn't working. She knows the route they'll take. She'll need transport of her own but she has some ideas about that...
The pieces falling into place, she starts shutting off parts of her sister - like turning off the lights before she leaves, each organ disappearing from her perception as it dies. She can't bear two centers to her world - she's learned that much. So she's saying goodbye to her sister. For forever, till tonight.
She touches the sleeping Chelsea. It's easier than any wound she's ever healed, to make sure Chelsea will reciprocate in full the feelings Panacea will soon have for her.
The van has fail safes to prevent its prisoner from waking up alive, but none of them are a problem so long as Panacea's here.
Chelsea stretches awake, eyes still closed like she's trying to hold on to a scrap of a lovely dream, and she turns toward Panacea like a sunflower to the dawn.
One last change, to make her touch feel better than Lucien's ever could.
And then, at last, true love's kiss.
Chelsea opens her eyes.
"Of course, my love." She can fix her up just how she was, quick as a wink.