Lucien, May, and Chelsea make new friends
Makes sense given what feelings Cherish used.
"Okeydokes, well - consensus over here is that you should swap out those feelings for her feelings about Heartbreaker."
"Wouldn't be the first time - hey Panacea we need you to - oh you're not paying any attention to me that's hurtful. One sec."
"Hey sis. Can you think about Heartbreaker? Know that it hurts - hurts for me too - but we can deal with that later in therapy. Love you."
If she were going to decide to die here instead this would be what would do it. It was a mistake for them to do it in this order, she barely got to know Lucien and wouldn't mind putting him back how he was nearly as much and she can still decide to die loved instead of go to the Birdcage all alone in the world.