Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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"Oh. So that's what happened."


"Yep. Unpleasant things are only unpleasant to a certain point. I get sleepy, but I will never pass out from exhaustion or lose too much coherency. I can get stabbed, but not very deeply and I'll heal pretty quickly. I can get hungry, but never starve - you get the idea. It's pretty convenient. I have no way of testing to see if it extends to the Simurgh's song, and will never do that because that is in the running for the worst idea of all time."


"That. Is a pretty impressive power. How the hell did you even test that?"

"Well to start with I showed up during Leviathan's attack and had it proven to me pretty thoroughly that I am damn hard to kill, and the rest is easy enough with empirical testing if you don't mind living on coffee for a while for science and the like."

This is not how she tested it, but you could conceivably test it like that.

"That is. A pretty damn good power. Unkillable and super-telekinetic? Wow."


"Yeah. And they combine well if I'm crazy enough to use myself as a battering ram. Which I am."


"...I think you may not be okay in the head, maybe."


"If I'm crazy, it is a very convenient type of crazy."


"Yes. So it seems."


"Though, to be fair, I don't do it casually. I'd much prefer to not be a battering ram at all. Just, when you're up against an Endbringer..." She shrugs. "Something something anything to kill it."


"Yeah. I mean, that's my whole—justification, here. If they break physics I might need to be a bit more notorious than I'd been expecting, though."


"... I think you might be undervaluing how much you could do as support to other capes."


"Maybe so, but I'm pretty sure if any power has a shot at actually killing those monsters it's mine. Probably Scion's, too, but him we can't really talk to."


"What, you don't think mine has a shot at killing those monsters?" she wonders lightly.


"It might, if you're as indestructible as you say, which, I'll need to see to believe, really. I mean, it's not unheard of, the Siberian's probably also on the list, but."


"Fair enough. And yeah, the Siberian's probably also on the list, but good luck convincing her to fight an Endbringer."


Sigh. "...maybe you could throw her at an Endbringer instead of serving as a human missile yourself."


"I'm not certain I could pick her up, but if I can, definitely."


"Right. Immovable object and unstoppable force."


"Yep. Very inconvenient, wish she were on our side. But nooo, she had to be the inconvenient kind of crazy."


Snicker. "Maybe you can convince her with your stellar personality and arguments."


Snort. "If I see an opportunity I'll try it, but just as a guess, I don't think my personality or arguments could redeem her. Bit too far gone."


"Yeah. As far as anyone knows she can't even speak."


"Yep. I think I'd rather just kill the entire Slaughterhouse Nine if an opportunity presents itself over trying to convince her to fight for the good guys."


"...are you sure? Like, convincing her to fight for the good guys might entail eliminating the Endbringers."

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