She looks at the platform she's standing on, and calmly thinks, That doesn't exist and doesn't make any sense, I don't believe in it.
"Checked to make sure I knew what I was talking about. You can put it back if you'd like, I won't make it go poof again."
"I wasn't actually sure it worked like I thought it worked until I tested that. So. There's that. I want to have an argument you can't just dismiss with 'You don't understand how my power works.' But I'm not going to strongarm you with it."
"Well, you probably don't understand it anywhere near as much as I do, or you wouldn't have suggested moving to Europe as a solution to my problems!"
"Can you give me a really good reason? 'Cause, like, right now you got me halfway convinced to go to Europe just so you won't absolutely ruin everything ever."
"I apologize for potentially ruining absolutely everything ever. I am trying not to, thus why I am asking for more information - I don't want anything ruined, except perhaps the Endbringers, the Slaughterhouse Nine, and the idiot warlords in Africa that think people are expendable. I am trying to think of a way to get you safely in a situation where you have the power you have accumulated, potential allies, and room to grow, but not the issue with the Protectorate wanting to arrest you."
"To put into perspective how blasé I am about typical rules people follow, the next thing I'm planning to do in my mission to save the world is conquer a large part of - well I haven't decided the exact country I'll start with, but it'll end up being most of Africa - to be warlord of," says Morgan. "So we can definitely go with some atypical solutions."
"...I like you," they decide. Then sigh. "Okay, so, my power... Well, glamour, it creates solid illusions, but a better way to put it may be that I channel, direct, and magnify people's beliefs and expectations through those illusions. Like you showed just now, that also works against me. The only reason it worked, though, is 'cause you and I are the only ones here. Other people don't just expect stuff to disappear if I don't will it, so they'd have kept it there as long as I wanted it there."
"Observing is not quite the word. But there needs to be a... way-the-world-is and a way-the-world-is-not and a way for them to tell those apart immediately. They don't need to be seeing the elephant in the room to notice the lack of its shadow if it disappears, and that keeps it from disappearing."
"Does the several second delay live video have prevent most cameras from affecting things, or does it go through anyway?"
"On traditional live video, there's a few seconds of delay between what's actually happening and when people see it. They still see action as action is happening, but it's action that happened four seconds ago or something. Does that work too?"
"Oh, right. Well I can't actually affect the past so there's a delay, I can only expect things to happen in the present slash near future, but I think my power has slight clairvoyance about that."