Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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"... When you turn eighteen the probation ends, and you're free to do whatever you want. Wards can go immediately join the Protectorate, and are in fact kind of pressed to do so, but they don't have to."


"...what, really?"




"And they just believe me if I say I'm seventeen."


"I don't think they can question it if you keep your secret identity very secret and make a big deal out of not telling anyone. But I can check, if you like."


"I see. Hmm. It would have made my life easier if I'd known that last year."


"Turned eighteen already?"


"Yes, last year."


"Well. I think there are some ways around this - you can say your civilian identity was marked as legally dead in an Endbringer attack and only your power saved you, you can say you used your powers to illegally immigrate from someplace without a paper trail because where you came from sucked more - do you have parents or other legal guardians?"


"...my legal guardian died in an Endbringer attack and only my power saved me."


"Oh. My condolences. How long ago did it happen? Feel free to not answer if you'd rather not."


"Eleven years ago. It's—mostly fine."

... Nod.

"Well if you'd like to talk about it, you have my number." Pause. ".... Though now I'm concerned that if you don't have a legal guardian the PRT would get custody of you, and cause you trouble that way."

"This whole thing is kinda confusing, though, I mean, who cares who my legal guardian is if they don't even know my name?"


"A bit. I don't know the specifics of how it all works, whatever age I am is 'over eighteen' so I haven't had to deal with this system at all."


"Hmm. I wonder if we could fib with my legal documents, anyway. I've been emancipated for, uh, a few years."


"Probably. I'll ask for specifics of how this all works, report back to you?"


"I am very suspicious of this but now you have ultimate blackmail on me so by all means."


"I am not going to use ultimate blackmail on you. Do you want some deep dark secret about me in exchange so you can believe I'm not going to betray or give you bad information or manipulate you?"

"And what's my next thought when you say this?"


"That I'm going to lie to you so that you trust me when you shouldn't, to make you easier to manipulate," she sighs. "I get it. But I'm kind of in a catch twenty-two here. I don't have a way to prove that I won't hurt you except by not hurting you, except you can eternally think, 'She's waiting for the right moment to use the ultimate blackmail.'"


Glam laughs. "And given that you do have ultimate blackmail, it's kind of a moot point. I have to trust you. I'm not about to, I dunno, kill you or something, I'm one of the good guys."


"... Killing me is quite impossible for anything that does not break physics harder than the Endbringers, or something that convinces me to kill myself. There are better ways to be rid of me, including asking me to go away. If you ever get that desperate."


Blink. "That." Pause. "Thanks for telling me that? Endbringers break physics? You break physics harder than them?"


"Endbringers don't actually have internal organs. They're multi-layered, kind of onion-like. The center layer is so impossibly dense that it breaks physics. My telekinesis cannot rip that apart, or crush it in any way." Pause. "So since I had my unbreakability pretty well proven to me, I tried ripping all of the layers off of Leviathan I could, and then using myself as a bullet to hit him. I worked my way up to top speed. This was starting to work until the Simurgh showed up to ruin my fun."

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