Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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"Heh. But yeah, laws about parahumans are... a headache."


"Why do you think I'm going to live in a place without laws?"


"Well, aren't you all villainous. If I didn't know better I'd say I've had an influence on you!"


"Ha! No, I can be mildly, benignly villainous just fine on my own, thank you."


"Mmhm. And what's your actual, you know, plan? For doing it all, ensuring international cooperation, gaining power, etc?"


"Do you mean specifics of the plan, or general methods, or...?"



"Well, first, defeat parahuman warlords in Africa. Make it clear to the people that they are under my protection, give them some method to contact me. Pay attention to who actually is taking charge and getting things done, and who just looks like they are important. I will then try to recruit the people getting things done, preferably non-parahumans so the people feel more at home instead of terrified of me, the scary parahuman. I don't want to have to micromanage everything, I'd need lieutenants of some kind, and I'd rather have them be non-parahuman and chosen from the people I'm in charge of to help with relations, have people that actually understand the issues at hand solving them, and so on. I would then help them get things done, and focus on building infrastructure - factories and farms especially, but I need to make a point of setting up a system to monitor the area to keep idiot parahumans from trying to cause trouble, and to respond as quickly as possible to when they do. Because they will. People are stupid.

"Meanwhile, I make something that actually is for parahumans, and while I'd want them to do things like protecting my territory and helping with infrastructure - patrols for everybody's a stupid decision. Waste of time to demand that, say, Tinkers patrol. Maybe if they need something to do, but I do not want to make a system that is distant and awkward, parahumans need special attention. If I can manage it, I want to make a sense of community and teamwork, and have people actually. You know. Matter, personally.

"I want to focus on making something stable, efficient, and something that'll get me lots of money to throw at my budding new country, staff, and projects I want to accomplish. Taking all of the resources the current warlords have acquired, doing my own jobs for ludicrous amounts of money, building factories and hiring workers on the cheap will help, but I am going to chew through money like nobody's business. The place cannot be a black hole I keep flinging money at, it has to be able to eventually sustain itself."


"Is this the sort of thing you meant when you wanted specifics?"

"Why not throw in the manufacture of the Elixir of Life and maybe the Panacea while you're at it?"

"I won't have any infrastructure to make any Elixirs of Life or Panaceas for a long while," snorts Morgan. "But hey, if I see a recipe for either, I'll make sure they're published and mass produced by someone else."


"That was meant to imply general skepticism about your likelihoods of success, at least in the real foreseeable future." Pause. "But the idea of helping you out with that is actually interesting."


"I'm likely to accept any help that doesn't come with the price of 'Let me eat the faces of fifty babies,' or the like."


"Um. Ew?"


"Quite. No baby faces for you, I'm sure you're heartbroken."


"Ew," they repeat, more firmly this time.

Morgan snickers.

"But no, seriously, if you want to help you're welcome to."

"...I'll need internet access, and angels singing my glories."


"I am fresh out of angels, but I bet I can get you internet access."


"I guess that'll have to do."


"But! We do need to actually work out a plan for that so it doesn't just seem like I have smuggled you out of the country for my own nefarious purposes."


"...well, would waiting work? I mean if you became a warlord and then like one or two months later I vanished from here and mysteriously appeared there?"


"That's still pretty obvious. Maybe if you went on an obnoxiously publicized world tour and stopped in my warlord territory because you 'liked it' it'd be plausible."


"Ooh! I do like being obnoxious!"

... Morgan cracks up.

"Well, then feel free to do that."

"Yeah, that sounds like a cool idea. 'How to be obnoxious internationally: a guide by Glam.'"

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