Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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"Well I'm not gonna just tell you what I want, am I."


"Do you want to waste the valuable time, energy, and resources of the people that, while not infallible, are still trying to save the world?"


"I tend to plan these things so they won't happen when too much important stuff's actually going down."

    "What are you even talking about," Jetpack asks.

"That's actually a good question, I don't usually get to talk for this long, either these guys really trust you or they have a very nice trap waiting for me, which, ha ha, I can teleport, who cares."

Eyebrow raise.

"But even then - chip away at the 'rep' of the Protectorate and they get less funding. Because the people don't think their protectors can protect them. Tinkers get less resources, the PRT gets less equipment, communication lines are just a little bit shorter and they are just a little bit slower showing up to an actual threat."

"Hm. Worth it."

    "You are delusional," Legend sighs.

"No, you just don't know what I'm talking about!"

Morgan holds up a hand to shush Legend. Shhhh, she's working.

"I think there are other ways to get a rep without hurting the heroes trying to save the world. Faster ways, better ways. Using your unicorns to build houses to house refugees from Endbringer attacks, having your fairies run recon on dangerous villains that don't use rainbows and fairies and unicorns."

"In reverse order: One, I already fight the dangerous villains and them I hurt. Two, that's actually a good idea, I should start doing that."


"I promise that was not the singular good idea floating around in my head, never to be matched again. I am perfectly happy to provide, to give you other options, but the heroes of the world cannot spend their time fighting each other. Do you understand? You think it's worth it, but it's just hurting all of us."


Glam sets their lance aside and ponders.

"Okay, I'll hear you out, since unlike them you can't technically arrest me. I was bored anyway, and I think the fairies are, too."


"We cannot have any bored fairies," says Morgan, trace of dry. The irony might kill her. "Thank you. Do you theoretically want to do mostly industry, or combat prowess, or a mix of both?"


"One, again, not telling you what I want. Two, not hearing you out right here where the people who can try to arrest me" (they give Legend the evil eye) "are right there."


"Fair enough," agrees Morgan serenely. "I'll give you my phone number and you can call me at your leisure. I will not lure you into a trap, that's not really how I work."


"Cool. And like I said, I can teleport, so even if you tried, wouldn't work."

Morgan raises her eyebrows and smiles slightly.

That is not the face of a woman who sincerely thinks Glam could get out of a trap she sets.

"Mm. Can I get a thing to write on? I don't carry paper with me wherever I go."

"Just tell me, I have a good memory."


She floats over, and says her phone number in a low voice. She does not want this to just be something everyone has.


They nod. "Alright. I'll call you."

The fairies start leaving through the door and a rainbow bridge forms from the door of the PHQ into the sky.

    "Wait, we can't just actually let you go," starts Jetpack.


"How about you call it a truce?" says Morgan.


"Besides, it's not like you could actually stop me," challenges Glam.

    "Kid, you won't be making many friends with that attitude," says Legend, landing and stretching a bit. "Let them go, it's not worth the trouble." He throws Morgan a meaningful glance. The particular meaning is "We will be having a conversation about this and I had better be damn satisfied with its outcome."

Morgan looks pretty certain that Legend will.

"Would you like help cleaning up?"

"Good luck with that! There's footage of the whole thing on the internet already, by the way," says Glam, before galloping off into the clouds.


"That would be most welcome, yes."

Well, the internet gets to see Morgan being awesome, so she's kind of okay with that.

Morgan is very very good at cleaning up from pranks. Things left by fairies? Cease being where you are. Foam trapping the PRT? Gently be shooed. She crushes all of the leftovers of Glam's attack on the PHQ into a very sparkly rainbow ball of junk, and puts it down in a corner to either be taken to the garbage or to disappear.

Then she floats over to Legend. "Debriefing time?"

He leads her to a small meeting room.
In she goes!

She finds a chair and sits.

"So," she says, "that went well."
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