Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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She is pretty sure this guy is not going to fuck with her. So she pockets her binoculars and gets to flying in that direction.

"On my way. What should I be expecting?"

"...they've got fucking unicorns."


"Glam? Has unicorns?"

"...just come." Hang up.

Morgan is so busy cackling she nearly overshoots the PHQ.

But she doesn't, and slows down before she gets there to get a proper view of what's going on. ... While cackling. She is busy cackling.

The place is a proper mess. Glam is in fact riding a unicorn, with a rainbow lance and a rainbow shield, galloping this way and that. The unicorn can shoot rainbow lasers out of its horn, apparently, and is also really fast. Not speedster fast, but definitely faster than a horse.

The PRT squad stationed there has all been disabled, stuck under what appears to be rainbow-colored containment foam. A hero with mouse ears on her helmet and a Tinker with an antigrav jetpack are engaging, and Legend's trying to use lasers that turn corners to reach Glam, who seems to be conjuring more shields here and there and blocking Legend's shots like they weren't... well, Legend's shots.

Pfffahahahahahaha - don't laugh, don't laugh - no, no, she can't manage it, she has to laugh.

She lands gracefully even while giggling uncontrollably.

"O-Okay, okay," she wheezes, between giggles. "Can I request we all just stand down for a bit?"

She gets rainbow laser'd for her trouble!

She has surprisingly good reflexes, especially for someone that seems to be mostly busy laughing. And she is - well, herself. She can move very very fast. It looks very much like she blinks away before the rainbow laser hits. Instead, she is over there. It doesn't hit.

"That," she says, laughter fading, "was a bit rude. I'm not even part of the Protectorate and haven't attacked you at all! C'mon now."

"Sorry, I kinda assumed, what with the costume and all."

There are—fairies. They're holding decals and calmly pasting them on walls and windows, or hanging small colourful decoration here and there.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm Glam, they pronouns please."

Legend shoots a shot that divides into several, and manages to hit Glam and blast them to the ground and off the unicorn.

"Ow! What'd you go and do that for?"


"Nice to meet you too. I'm Morgan." She glances up at Legend. "Guys, can you back off for a bit? I don't think blasting things is going to fix everything, let me talk to them?"


Legend looks at Morgan, then does a hand signal, and his teammates stop.

Glam mounts on their unicorn again and raises an eyebrow, while the fairies continue doing their job. "What? You're ruining my thing."


"You have my permission to bedazzle me if you think it would help with that," says Morgan dryly.


They tilt their head. "I know you. You're the Leviathan gal."

She smiles.

"Did the wings give me away?" She flutters them a little.

"Yeah. You said you weren't with the Protectorate. What gives? And why'd Legend even listen to you?" They look at Legend, who shrugs, then look at her again looking even more confused.


"While the Protectorate is doing good work that needs to be done, I think I wouldn't be the best fit for their ranks with my powerset, and I'd be better suited helping the world as a rogue," she says diplomatically. "And because I and Legend have spoken before and he thinks I have reasonable judgement?" She glances at Legend. "I assume?"


    "Pretty much. Also because she's the most likely to be able to actually stop you here," Legend says, sounding like a disappointed father. Who. Is wearing spandex. Uh.

"Well you did the thing with Leviathan, I'm sure you think you can stop me but nnnnoooooo I'm still redecorating this place. Mwa ha ha!"

Jetpack groans and Mouse Protector facepalms.

Morgan raises an eyebrow. What is this? 'I'm sure you think you can stop me'? That's awfully showboaty of them. Let's see what happens if she doesn't play into the theatrics.

"Nah. I think I'll just help clean up after. You're not hurting anyone, right?"

Slow blink. "Uh. I think I might've bruised some PRT officers and Mouse Protector."

    "You would not be able to, villain!" says Mouse Protector.

"Never mind that, then. I am curious about where everyone else is, though. Like, the Wards, or the rest of the team. They probably have some ambush waiting for me somewhere."

Legend gives away nothing.


"I wouldn't know," she says, shrugging. "But I am curious about - this. Why this? It seems... Uh, well, completely pointless."


"Um, beating the heroes in their home turf, hello? Does wonders for my rep. A villain needs a rep, see."


"Do they," she says softly.


"...yes? Yes, we do. I mean, I'm pretty sure Legend's pulling his punches, here, I haven't actually done anything bad enough to be worth a kill order, so his rep is mostly undamaged. But, you know, taking the heroes down a peg, not a bad idea in general?"

    "It's a bad idea on so many levels I can't even begin to explain them to you," says Legend, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Eyebrow raise. Morgan's not buying it.

"You know usually villains gain a rep by doing things to get what they want. You seem to just want the rep. All of the glamour of capedom just turns your eyes to stars? You must be famous?"

She doesn't stress the word 'glamour.' But something in her face says that it wasn't an accident that she said it.
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