Quasar is
so garbage at the detached impersonal corporate attempt to -
assist. It's clear with her added context that someone, somewhere in the guild (possibly several someones, actually!), noticed and was worried about her. Then they worked very hard to try to help her at a great remove, handicapped by not interacting with her at all, and then very carefully and very deliberately scrubbed all of the personalization and personhood from this email, and sent it to her in an attempt to reassure her that they're respecting her boundaries. When, clearly, the problem to Hye-jin is that a corporation
does not get to have access to her innermost self, whereas
people - have a better chance. Stop having those mix. Those should not mix. When those mix it is threatening, actually.
To: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr
From: kimhyejin@gmail.com
Listen, while I appreciate the attempt to help me in a - safe corporate way that doesn't overstep my boundaries, it's really misunderstanding my discomfort? You have clearly spent all of this time and effort to find resources specifically for me, to try to help me, and then you scrubbed all hints of the person responsible from it all, and frankly, that just freaks me out. I don't want a nebulous corporate entity taking interest in my affairs and mental health, I want a person, preferably with minimal strings leading back to nebulous corporate entities that can screw me over.
So: can I have an agent or representative, to interface with Quasar for me? I'd wanted to find something out of guild to represent me in such a way, but, well. Kang Jaeha. I still want that, but I can have a Quasar based representative of me in the interim, and then pick back up my own personal side projects as I'm able. I think it would be both more constructive and more comfortable than this.